
joined 1 year ago
[–] Resonosity 1 points 9 hours ago

Apparently it's not beef tallow per say anymore, but beef flavoring. See my edits above

[–] Resonosity 3 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

Think they still add the beef flavoring to the oil. Check my edits

[–] Resonosity 4 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago) (5 children)

McDonald's also fries things in beef tallow, iirc

Edit: after confirming online, there are multiple reports saying that McD's stopped using animal-based fats for cooking some 5-30 years ago depending on the market (e.g. US, Canada, etc.). The big push to move away from beef tallow in the US was in the '90s, and now McDonald's confirms that there is beef flavoring in their fries.

Edit 2: and I guess McDonald's uses mostly a canola-based oil blend, but beef flavoring still goes into the blend.

Edit 3: And looking at the ingredients of the vegetable oil itself, the beef flavorants come from hydrolyzed milk derivatives, so not vegan. Apparently McDonald's uses different oils for different things, so I wonder if in the future people could ask for the oil without the flavoring.

[–] Resonosity 5 points 5 days ago

Hell yeah it is

[–] Resonosity 1 points 5 days ago

Gaslighting or, pardon the pun, disarming what actually could be done in government to prevent this from happening in the future is despicable. It's epitomizes the modern understanding of the US Republican party. The government can't fix anything: it's the citizens' responsibility for systemic problems.

Conservatives, what the hell happened

[–] Resonosity 8 points 1 week ago

Elder zoomer here. I have a wallet for all of my cards, those for pay, for insurance, for identification, etc.

Unfortunately my country doesn't have the option for those to all be digital, so I'm still limited to something physical. Probably for the best anyways. It's better to have redundant versions of those, in physical or digital form, in case one method is lost.

If zoomers at large don't carry wallets, even in countries where digitization is easy, that's just as risky as only carrying those cards in a wallet. It might be even more risky because you need your phone to be on to access that information, meaning chargers are necessary as well as a source of electricity. Not so easy in all regions of the world. Solar + batteries would work, but that's more to carry around, when you could simply carry a wallet.

[–] Resonosity 4 points 2 weeks ago

I'd love to vote for AOC too

[–] Resonosity 1 points 2 weeks ago

Oh please god no

[–] Resonosity 9 points 3 weeks ago

I agree with all of this as an electrical engineer in the field. Base load is only base load because of the load profile of devices connected to the grid having either an on or off switch. Most of the time this means motors/HVACs, but the world of electronics is coming to that equipment just like how inverters have changed how we export solar PV and wind to the grid. VFDs, soft starters, and the like will make our industrial processes that much more efficient. We just need to spread awareness and ramp up implementation, just as much as for renewables themselves.

[–] Resonosity 3 points 3 weeks ago

Yep, classic fallacy (? Bias?) of consider relative scales/change over absolute.

Here are some sources that speak about the difference between the two, and how different interpreters of data can use either or to further an argument:

[–] Resonosity 4 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (1 children)

You're either a troll or a dipshit. They introduced an example where both interests of removing information from the public forum and having the monopoly of reporting on that information work to undermine archiving. It is important for the truth and for public trust that we support Internet Archive and other archivists/historians.

[–] Resonosity 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Bruh I'm an electrical engineer and I have no clue if y'all are kapping rn or not lmao

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