
joined 7 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Tobeyyyyy: Multiple Pokemon Games, crash bandicoot trilogy, og ff7

Got the deck 2 weeks ago so thats it so far.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

goatpasta01: Just got mine a couple weeks ago, so far I've only finished Doom 2016

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Pineapple_Pizza_Nah: Did my first playthrough of FF7R on the deck 90%. I couldnt put it down, made doing all the quests and collectibles much nicer to me.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

facepalmqwerty: Maneater(+DLC) and Arcade Paradise. While not among the best of all time these are good games to pick, play for 10-20 minutes during break and put deck to sleep, tried both on pc and didn't enjoy them as I'd rather play something more sophisticated at home. There are also many that I played significant amount on deck while crossplaying with pc like Slay the Princess or ICEY, and currently Hades(it's great on both mobile on deck and on good quality screen)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

FuriousPenguino: Probably not, people get really defensive in this community

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

funkyb001: TLDR: Explaining why someone is fucking up takes a lot of text.

"whats going on moira" is fundamentally saying "moira you are doing badly, I want you to do better".

As to whether or not that is "toxic" is the wrong question, because "toxic" is a label that people apply differently. What matters is why did you do it? Obviously if you just want to insult them you are clearly being toxic so let's assume you genuinely want them to do better.

You are basically never going to have a good response, and will mostly just upset your own team. Most people are fully aware how they are doing, and are doing it for a range of reasons, none of which will get you a positive answer.

  1. They are playing badly because they are just not good.
  • Telling them in vague terms isn't going to make them better at the game. This is a problem for the matchmaker to solve, not you.
  1. They are practising a new hero, or otherwise underperforming because of illness etc.
  • Telling them isn't going to make them better right now because they are fully aware.
  1. They don't care because they are one of the "it's just Quick Play" crowd.
  • Telling them isn't going to make them care.
  1. You're wrong.
  • I constantly see people misdiagnose the problem and look for someone to blame. Stats rarely tell the full story.

This leaves the fifth scenario, and the only one where there is a positive outcome. A situation where a person is failing, but they are trying their hardest, and cares, and you have correctly diagnosed the problem, and there is a simple and unambiguous fix that can be conveyed in about 15 words. That does happen, but it is rare.

  • "Group up, only engage as a 5".
  • "Stop poking you are just feeding them ult charge."
  • "Please focus that motherfucking LW"

Also notice these are all general advice and aren't singling out one individual. These kinds of comments are never toxic, in quick play or comp, and might get you good results. "Hey, you are doing shit" won't.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

i-liketurtles: So I had the FitXR subscription for one month, at which point personally I cancelled and bought the les Mills body combat outright. Personally they were close enough in features and I prefer that one off payment. Subscription got £10 of my money, outright got £20

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Sabbathius: I'll start backwards.

Monthly fee is a big fat NOPE from me. Not happening. I seriously doubt I would do this even for MMOs any more, most modern ones are just not good enough to justify that. And I certainly wouldn't even consider it for a fitness app. That's a death kiss for a game.

One time purchase would work, but I don't think I would drop $30 outright on a fitness app, especially a largely derivative one (are we punching flying balls again?). It can work, but I think it needs a demo. A good one. If a demo is really good and sucks me in, I'd have no problem paying $20-30 for a full version.

F2P is safest, but also probably least profitable. Also I don't know if there's multiplayer, if any, but F2P pretty much guarantees a ton of screeching children, which will instantly drive away most adults. So F2P is a double-edged sword. But it's the best go get people to try, without needing a dedicated demo made.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Kimpak: For me personally I prefer to buy a game outright. But, especially with VR, having a demo goes a long way in my decision to buy said game.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

astland: I would never subscribe to an app. Charge me and be done with it. I'd also want a free demo. There WAY to many apps that look nice, but as soon as you buy them, you can see they are half done and will likely never be finished.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Doepie308: This is the way we are going. Workouts created by fitness professionals and focus on information and education as well 💪🏻

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

depaul6: One-time purchase is ideal for me. I love Les Mills BodyCombat for that reason. I don't mind spending $20-40 outright if the content is good and there is a good amount of content. I wouldn't mind paying $10 every year or so for significant add-ons (such as drastically new workouts, like if you add planks or weight training exercises that weren't included in the initial release).

As others have said, subscriptions aren't what I'd recommend as it will be hard to outdo Supernatural. Free to play with currencies end up feeling like you're being nickel and dimed.

Create a premium product, with premium content, and people will be willing to pay a premium for it.

Just a suggestion, although I'm not sure how practical it may be for VR, but having something that enforces and aides in proper form will be great to see.


Post by: u/DoggosUnite32


Post by: u/moisturizedmelon

So if a game or a site were to request my hand and body pose data, how could it be used, stored, or shared? Like would I be at risk if I gave permission to some of the wrong sites? And if I did, how could anyone even use said data to begin with?


Post by: u/moo1706-

I've been playing so much helldivers and would like to know if there is something that is on the quest, maybe even pcvr


Post by: u/drtreadwater

Its been several weeks since this apparently came out,

just wondering if anyone has seen any evidence of anyone using it anywhere outside of marketing vids?


Post by: u/ignitionnight

I bought my wife a Quest 2 last week. The kid has used it just as much as her too. So I'm looking for some recommendations on the best casual games they can pick up and play 20-30 minutes at a time. Wife isn't much of a gamer, Mario Kart and Candy Crush about the extent of it, but is really excited about VR. Kid plays Roblox, and I am looking for some basics in those molds. Willing to pay, but free is my favorite price.

Casual shooting game for both, nothing violent. I think I remember seeing a game where you stand on a platform and shoot down space ships?

Zombie game for wife, think we have decided on Walking Dead S&S. Change my mind? If it's an extensive story type game she might not stick with it, since she'll only play like an hour at a time. Replayability? something that might be arcade-y?

Creative game for the kid, nothing social.

Exercise game for both - got Beat Saber already, considering the climb?

Horror game for the wife - something free would be good in case she hates it, but she is curious.

Any hidden gems that don't get talked about much?

Thanks in advance!


Post by: u/Funny-Monkey69

I have a rx580 (not the best) and I’m wondering if steam link can help me actually run pcvr.


Post by: u/tecnikstr0be

I need suggestions all I know is boba m3


Post by: u/Big_Operation5815

I have come across a bug that makes it impossible for me to progress. I am at the start of saga VI where I need to cross a gap using my whip but I cannot pick up any of my weapons as if I didn’t have them equipped, although they are when I check my inventory. There is an exclamation point on the place where the whip used to be when you first unlock it but it isn’t there. My head movement feels weird too, per example, when I crouch in real life, my head stays at the same place so it looks like I’m standing. Does anyone else have this bug and how could I solve it? This is especially frustrating because I was near the end of the game. And yes I already have uninstalled and reinstalled the game.


Post by: u/megas88

I know that I’m a week late as I have had my deck since last Wednesday but I really wanted to get a good handle on most of what it could do before I gushed about it.

I have been playing video games since I was 3 or 4. My first memory of one was being at sears with my mother and late father and they picked up a Super Nintendo that came with Mario Paint. I had a blast with that thing and everything I got to play on it.

I’ve had the NES, genesis, n64, many a gameboy from the original to the pocket to the color to both advanced/sp, the ds lite, ps1, ps2, xbox 360 and the last one being the wii. We don’t talk about the wii anymore. I’m ok with that lol.

When I first held a friend’s lcd deck, it immediately felt like the most comfortable thing I have ever held in my hands. It was so nice to hold. I tried portal thinking ya know, l’ll put it down in a few minutes cause I could never get into it. An hour later and everyone still playing the board game they were playing and the deck would not let me put it down. I have never enjoyed playing portal. I know others have but I never did. Dear god the controls, the trackpad oh god the trackpad and the screen. Everything just begged me to keep playing. I couldn’t stop enjoying myself.

Now I have my own 1tb oled deck with several accessories, almost all of which were somehow on sale before my deck arrived. I am addicted to using this thing. Playing games just to see if and how they run, tweaking performance and playing with deckyloader.

I am still figuring out emulation and will one day succeed at learning how to get my custom boot animation to not auto delete lol, but I am ridiculously satisfied with my purchase. I’m hoping to make a list of things I found for folks that are looking for a reference for things that weren’t obvious or didn’t necessarily have an easy search option. Like, I had no idea you needed to enable steam input to allow custom or community controller layouts. I just thought you simply selected and were good to go. Haven’t figured out how to delete a downloaded layout yet.

My current addictions are sonic frontiers now that I figured out how to get a good and solid frame rate but also slay the spire may be the easiest game I’ve picked up since the nes and snes days lol. Never have I enjoyed failing so much and climbing back up that damn spire!

Tetris effect in hdr is so jaw droppingly gorgeous I can’t even explain it! Spyro runs fairly well at medium and if I don’t mind 30fps, I can go all the way to ultra which is insane!

Having mega man battle network has brought me back to middle school and I gotta say I almost teared up a bit. Also, having a color profile that brings out more contrast in those collections is incredible!

I look forward to unlocking more of my deck’s true potential as I learn more and more. Of course now I am gonna try figuring out how to get surfshark to work so I can use it for stuff in desktop mode.

Overall, ridiculously happy. If you are deciding between anti glare vs glossy, don’t even worry about it. Pick which one you feel you want more. The antiglare screen looks just as nice as the glossy oleds I’m used to.

Happy to be part of the deck gang and looking forward to playing stuff I never felt inclined to play before and enjoy stuff I did even more.


Post by: u/JamesCanada


Post by: u/SmokinDeist

I have a Quest 3 coming in and I have had a Quest 2 and an Oculus/Meta account for awhile now. Do I simply just add the headset to my account or is there anything else I need to be aware of or do? Will I be fine having two headsets on my account as I check things out and changeover to the new Quest?

Is there anything special I have to do to properly remove the Quest 2 from my account when the time comes?


Post by: u/One_Watercress1784

Just as it says. I even tried to set the boundary in a different room but it didnt work. Now my headset wont turn back on after factory reset aka power button and volume button press, but the screen never popped up?????

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