As someone who lives here and doesn't drive, services like this are extremely valuable to me
Before covid I switched jobs. Got about $12k more. Months go by, COVID hits and I can't do my job (didn't have the flexibility and daycare was shut down). So I get my old job back but said I'd do it for $X where X was another $10k above from the new job.
Switching jobs definitely works. It sucks giving up a sure thing and the comfort zone though
Should we tell him?
He was essentially Newt Gingrich's coworker for a while (worked at the same lobby). What a fall from grace.
NY case likely will be retried and this doesn't affect the 16 years or whatever in California.
No idea. I tried to get him to just simply observe and either buy something or not. I still have my pin somewhere, I think I know where it is. I'll look for it tonight and post it.
Some anecdotes from my experiences during this time:
I lived and worked in downtown Chicago at the time, right next to the Board of Trade. The local OWS was set up right next to it. I remember the traders had dumped out a bunch of McDonald's job applications from the window onto them below. I would walk by them everyday for months and absolutely no one was paying them attention. It was a small group of people and eventually one day just like that, they were gone.
A week or so after OWS started I was visiting NYC and we ended up at Zuccotti Park where it all started. I think there were more people selling pins, buttons, and various arts and crafts than there were actual protesters. I remember my FIL asking each one if they were trying to supplement a living or if they were purely a for-profit capitalist venture taking advantage of an opportunity at an anti-capitalist protest. I just couldn't stop laughing. He was serious.
Went to a wedding in Tulsa a few months in the whole OWS movement and their main park had an encampment of tents with signs but didn't see any activity.
The big thing I noticed was there was virtually no people of color present, no organization, was a gathering of almost entirely white (mostly young) Leftists, that like usual, failed to cobble together a coalition from other demographics and really just seemed like a spectacle.
My wife works in a large suburban office park off a major highway. The company designs hardware so obviously they have people in the workshop on-site etc, but you could remove three of their office buildings and keep those people at home. She also flies out from the east coast to the west coast twice a year just to sit in a conference room for two days straight.. it's like no one has ever heard of Zoom.
I've been working from home for nearly a decade and a half now. It has enabled me to keep my job after moving halfway across the country. I have dinner ready when the wife and kids get home, the laundry done, and can go for a jog at the local park for a few laps when I want to and yet I still get shit done and do a great job.
It just absolutely baffles me that CEOs aren't chomping at the bit to downsize their office space footprints, get off those leases or sell off their properties, and let everyone work from home.
I lived in Chicago for many years. The Edward Hopper piece was always my favorite to visit at the Art Institute - that and the Bruce Nauman Clown Torture multimedia exhibit when they'd rotate it in.
E: a word
That's Brad Dourif the doc from Deadwood in the image for Phlox.
He played a psychopathic betazoid, Lon Suder, in three Voyager episodes. One of my all-time favorite characters in Star Trek.
He also was in Dune, LotR, and Alien Resurrection among other credits.
I agree and I'm happy to pay more. I just hope this doesn't go away.