Vom aktuellen Parlament, das bis dahin ja neu gewählt wird.
Ah, just one more turn.
Okay one more turn.
One last tu.... Fuck the suns up.
Just going for a walk often resolves this for me. It often inspires me to do something and gets me into a doing things mode.
Also if it doesn't, then no harm done. Fresh air and a bit of sun didn't hurt.
No structures or inspiration needed. Just walk for a bit.
Es gibt eine Sache in deinem Post die absolut nicht okay ist.
Wenn du um ein Zwischenzeugnis bittest, haben die dir gefälligst auch eines auszustellen.
While I don't think we can beat AI driven content degradation by outposting them, I still agree posting 'just Google it' does any good either.
Post an answer or link a topic which covered the same question in detail. But directing people to Google isn't something I'd advocate. Maybe tell them to Ecosiate it if you really have to.
Also it's just rude and creates an uninviting admosphere around here Imo.
But the AI issue can't be solved by users alone. It's moderation and maybe regulation which is needed here.
Hey es ist nicht gestiegen. Und wenn alles bleibt wie es ist, das ist immer gut.
Kraven is another symptom of a very broken movie blockbuster movie business.
Big IP and studio movies that are actually good have become more of surprising to me than bad ones.
And you wish that'd prevent them from talking. Alas here we are.
Das gab es schon immer. Aber evtl hat sich der Anteil erhöht. Denkbar wäre es in heute von personalmangel.
Yes I don't like it. It spoils the finale of the book. It takes a while until it is clear what kind of monster it is. Already on the cover.
Then also the deus ex machina moment to save them is spoiled.
Only way to make it worse would be to put the diary on it with the name Tom Riddle written on it.
As someone who avoids trailers to not spoil movies, this is bad Imo.
You make money?
Erstmal gut dass es endlich eine Verurteilung wegen Korruption und Bestechlichkeit gab.
3 Jahre, davon zwei auf Bewährung für Korruption des höchstens Volksvertreters klingt ziemlich lasch.
Das Jahr ohne Bewährung dann mit Fußfessel doch viel zu gechillt dafür, dass er die demokratischen Prinzipien und das Volk hintergangen hat.
Ich finde in Europa sollte der Schutz der Demokratie härter durchgesetzt werden.