JoCat did an excellent retrospective of Klonoa 2 that includes a brief segment explaining how messed up and traumatizing the first game's ending was.
Flowers for Algernon.
"Acted alone" pretty much always means stochastic terrorism. Very few people radicalize themselves.
It's in a weird halfway position, though it's less cRPG and more action RPG with each iteration. The character creation in Daggerfall wouldn't be out of place in a tabletop game.
The Elder Scrolls, infamously. Since they are open-world games, they use heavy level scaling so you can explore wherever you want from the very beginning.
It was alright in Morrowind. There, your level just controlled which enemies appeared, so you wouldn't encounter high-tier daedra in the overworld until your level was in the teens and you actually stood a chance.
Oblivion utterly fucked it up by having everything scale to your level. You could revisit the starting area and a normal bandit would be wearing a full set of magical heavy plate worth tens of thousands of gold while demanding you hand over twenty coins to pass. Combine that with a weird player leveling system that punished you for picking non-combat skills or leveling up as soon as you could, and people loathed Oblivion's leveling mechanics.
Skyrim's scaling was somewhere in the middle, which lead to combat being inoffensively bland the whole way through.
They're Hornets. Being stingy bastards is in the name!
You can tell it's the Renaissance due to the Borgia cube.
The frustrating thing is all the information and materials to support Samsung devices is out there, but the custom ROM development community is so ridiculously toxic and unhelpful to newcomers that few people are willing and able to mainline new devices (and supporting a new device is complicated enough that you pretty much can't get started without someone more experienced to point out the decades of cruft, pitfalls, and vendor-specific workarounds that the build processes have accumulated). More of the old guard leaves every year without enough new blood to replace them.
I think Blackwater renamed to avoid tarnishing whoever was hiring them, not because they themselves disliked their reputation. If their employment wasn't at the mercy of elected officials who have to care about optics, I bet they'd still be parading around their old name with pride.
It's been decades and the first name that pops into my head when someone says 'PMC' is still 'Blackwater'. Do you have any idea how much war crime they'll need to do to get back that level of brand recognition?
How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence.
Hated is an understatement. He was about as far left as any figure with popular support has ever been in the US, which is why he so deeply scared the elites who opposed him.
Basically the moment he died people began softening his views to make them more palatable to the other side. This helped get civil rights legislations passed, but something of the man himself was lost in the process. Kids today learn he was for equal rights but very little about his actual beliefs.
Some More News has an excellent video about how little MLK Jr's modern image resembles the actual man, to the point that right-wing news stations invoke his words to support Republican policies without any sign of irony.
I'm busy knapping when I'd rather be napping.