Yeah, after going through and reading the criticism in the spectrum thread there are a lot of good points. One of the things that really drew me in to this game is that practically everything/anything is lootable (I'm a bit of a loot goblin at times).
So going back to the days before physical inventory really kills this for me. There's not much of a reason to loot if I never lose my gear. Once I find a good loadout, I'll never lose it again.
I'd rather inventory recovery be limited to whatever you can reasonably buy at the city/station you spawn at. If it's for account bound gear there should be a delay to getting it back (at least). Ideally weshould get a blueprint to craft any unique account bound gear, but it doesn't sound like that's what will happen now.
I looked into this a bit more and here's a quick video of someone testing out the demo that they have online:
Direct link to the demo itself: