
joined 2 years ago
[–] QuadratureSurfer 7 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I looked into this a bit more and here's a quick video of someone testing out the demo that they have online:

Direct link to the demo itself:

[–] QuadratureSurfer 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Yeah, after going through and reading the criticism in the spectrum thread there are a lot of good points. One of the things that really drew me in to this game is that practically everything/anything is lootable (I'm a bit of a loot goblin at times).

So going back to the days before physical inventory really kills this for me. There's not much of a reason to loot if I never lose my gear. Once I find a good loadout, I'll never lose it again.

I'd rather inventory recovery be limited to whatever you can reasonably buy at the city/station you spawn at. If it's for account bound gear there should be a delay to getting it back (at least). Ideally weshould get a blueprint to craft any unique account bound gear, but it doesn't sound like that's what will happen now.

[–] QuadratureSurfer 3 points 6 days ago (3 children)

I'm not a fan of T0, but at least we're finally getting something in the way of restoring subscriber/reward gear.

T2 sounds great... But hopefully we aren't stuck with T0 for 2 years.

[–] QuadratureSurfer 3 points 6 days ago

The whole thing is worth a read, but here's a brief summary as well:

T0 - Initial Implementation
  • Player equipped gear can't be looted (items in containers can still be taken), Everyone respawns with their gear.
T1 - Loadout & Ship Registration
  • Register gear at a terminal, and reclaim it at specific kiosks/freight elevators
  • Register decorations and gear in ships, the price will be paid when claiming your ship at an ASOP terminal.
  • Players can activate a "Dead Man Switch" on lost gear. Once the switch is activated, the gear can still be used for a time, but it will eventually become "bricked".
  • Bricked items can be sold
T2 - Restoring "Bricked" Items & Crafting Integration
  • Bricked items can eventually be restored with credits/crafting items, but they will lose any cosmetic skin.
  • Bricked items can also be scrapped for parts or sold.
[–] QuadratureSurfer 1 points 1 week ago

Note: Zac Preece is a CIG Dev - FPS Designer

[–] QuadratureSurfer 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Looks like they applied a mitigation patch about 20 minutes ago. Doesn't sound like a complete fix, but probably enough to get most people back in:

A patch has been applied, players should be able to log back into the game. Thanks for your patience.
- Nicou-CIG


[–] QuadratureSurfer 2 points 1 week ago

The quickest way to check for news on this situation is the status page: https://status.robertsspaceindustries.com/

[–] QuadratureSurfer 2 points 1 week ago

Nicou-CIG also mentioned that they're working on better in-game notifications for maintenance:

Question from Darklay

No CIG, this is not good, you work badly. If you have problems with the servers, that's fine and you'll fix them, but if you close the servers for maintenance or work on them or whatever you like, you have to notify ingame at least half an hour before, so that one has the opportunity to return to the station and store the ship and not lose hours of RMC farming, now throw it away.

All the games I know of before ordinary or extraordinary server maintenance warn with an ingame message...

Response by Nicou-CIG:

We're working on an improved in-game notification system to better alert you about events, like an upcoming maintenance.

Developing and implementing features takes time, but this is on our radar. The same goes for Spectrum, where we aim to enhance clarity as well


[–] QuadratureSurfer 14 points 1 week ago (11 children)

I feel out of the loop on this one. Is there a particular individual on the project that this is about, or is this a company policy issue?

[–] QuadratureSurfer 11 points 1 week ago

Well, at least I can tell you that there are 3 Rs in strawberry.

[–] QuadratureSurfer 2 points 1 week ago (14 children)

Ladybird looks promising.


MotD update:

🍂(Wednesday) We are currently working on a 4.0.2 RC2 Build for potential release onto PTU later today https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/lobby/38230

RC2 = Release Candidate (2nd attempt)

Most likely you will need to finish up any Pyro Event missions in order to get the rewards before this version is released Live.


Hey everyone, I requested to become a moderator for this community since the old moderator didn't appear to be active anymore.

I'm looking to start up some events/contests/competitions. I'd like to offer occasional rewards like gear, gift cards, or game packages, however, certain countries have restrictions regarding this and I'm not experienced in handling that. Any suggestions here are welcome.

I'm also looking to clean up the rules, since a number of them seem redundant or may be too limiting for a community of this size, any feedback here would be great.

Also, I like the current banner/icon, but again, if anyone has suggestions we can put out some options to the community and see what everyone likes the most.

Any other suggestions are welcome, for instance, we can look at adding flairs in the community, although this may only work for certain clients.

Lastly, if anyone else wants to help moderate, feel free to ask below.


It seems like the moderator in this community has been inactive for almost a year now.

I'd like to take on the task for moderating it, I've been a fairly consistent contributor to this community.

We haven't had any issues in the current community and hopefully that continues, but it would be good to see some updates and have an active moderator just in case anything happens.


A very informative video on the story so far. I've been trying to follow along with the story myself, but TheAstroHistorian has done a great job about rounding up all of the most important info in this video.

He also proposes some interesting theories about the factions, and wraps up the video with some suggestions for how CIG could improve their storytelling in-game.


Another technique, that wasn't shown in this video, is to arm the bomb by dropping it first from the A2 and then catching it with a tractor beam.

The SRV would probably be best for this tactic, and you normally can't use bombs in space, but with this technique you can.


Source: Frank Guentzler - 3D Environment Artist at CIG. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/eR919w

Tap for additional photos


What features does everyone think are the most important ones to get in? (Besides Stability)

Scorpius Bloom Flight (www.youtube.com)

CarbonPixel with some camera effects in 4.0.2 PTU.

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