The US military hasn't done shit but lose to irregular combatants for decades.
It seems pretty clear at this point that one of the principal lessons of the Russo-Ukrainian war is "Having nukes guarantees sovereignty". It's unfortunate because nukes are obviously pretty fucking bad, but even if they aren't saying it, every nuke-less nation with a sketchy neighbor is trying to figure out a way to obtain strategic nuclear capabilities now, and anyone who was thinking about giving them up has stopped... and I can't say I blame them.
The laptop looks like Kirby when he goes to suck you in in smash while it's "extended".
The most common reason I see people evade public transport fares is because they thought they had more money on their account than they did, the machine that accepts cash is broken, or they are literal teenagers. In all of these cases, I feel like taking the $1.50 hit is fine.
I'm gonna take. this opportunity to point out how stupid it is that 1 Calorie = 1kilocalorie. Actually my least favorite unit.
So is there, like, a mechanism to make them do it, or was the entier government just a gentleman's agreement?
Every protest I've ever been to has had at least one group of communists yelling about the inadequacy of US politics and I've seen pro-Palestinian protesters at these protests going back decades at this point. I've only ever seen one mainstream politician dirty their hands in a situation like that, and it was at a union rally, and she confessed to being a socialist there to thunderous applause.
Yeah. This is a way bigger problem with this article than anything else. The entier thing hinges on their AI-detecting AI working. I have looked into how effective these kinds of tools are because it has come up at my work, and independent review of them suggests they're, like, 3-5 times worse than the (already pretty bad) accuracy rates they claim, and disproportionatly flag non-native English speakers as AI generated. So, I'm highly skeptical of this claim as well.
Americans stay being aggressively anti-intellectual. It's been that way since waaaay before Trump too. We're gassing up Trump too much with this. Americans have been like this longer than I've been alive.
Wow! Finally! A use for AI! A means of kicking the metaphorical cat litter on the giant turd of private industry firing your neighbor to cut costs. I always knew they could figure it out eventually.