Kochbuch. Am besten ein Grundkochbuch wie das bayerische Kochbuch und dann noch ein oder zwei von „GU“ wie „Schnelle Küche“ oder irgend etwas wie Studentenkochbuch.
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It is my old gamer name i used to register with on LAN parties. Afaik i was the first one to use this gamer tag.
Another day older and deeper in debt
XI is the Latin Nummer for the Arabic 11
I am seriously wondering why they ordered eleven copies. Why would you even be able to order more than one?
I mean, yes, this is scam, but still…
To be honest i am very happy with the printer. It works perfectly fine with cura, at least i have never run into a problem with it.
I actually do like the Flashforge Finder 3, which comes with a direkt extruder and filament sensor at a price of 300€, works out of the box and is incredibly easy to use. But i wouldn’t consider this as a small build volume or a small printer.
Surprisingly well. The biggest problem is grocery shopping as the shops close somewhere between 18:00 and 20:00. They open up mostly between 7:00 and 9:00, so this is a bit rough.
Appointments for physiotherapist and doctors are unpleasant as well. But i tend to take the earliest appointment possible which has the benefit of no waiting time.
I‘d be pretty mad, i wear one of my favourite cashmere pullover.
Aw man, i cannot afford the 100k unfortunately
I totally think it is not a thing. Just two random ignorant fools doing it (maybe, and maybe not).
Barefoot shoes are a thing though, with a very thin sole and a very direkt Response to ground texture. I have a small collection of these and i am a big fan of them. However, if i want to go completely barefoot (or simply forget my shoes again), i just don’t Wasser shoes.