Good recipe, one important change I would make is to add the oregano at the very end, because oregano does not taste good if cooked for a long time. I can only speak about mediterranean oregano however.
From what I understand, that's how they work, explode a flak shell near the craft.
When I turned 50 they asked me if I planned to grow up now 😂
Watched a bunch of tits (the other tits) romping about the hazel bush, they were hilarious.
Nicht OP, aber als Grundlage nimmst Du Cashews, weichst sie so zwei Stunden ein, gibst Zitronensaft, Salz, vielleicht auch etwas geriebene Schale hinein und pürierst mit einem kräftigen Blender, um eine Cashewcreme zu erhalten. Wird es zu fest, mehr Wasser dazugeben.
Für Dönersoße würde ich dann Knoblauch mitpürieren und statt Wasser ein Stück Gurke nehmen, und mit reichlich schwarzem Pfeffer würzen. Vielleicht noch eine Messerspitze Cumin.
"I'm deathly afraid of the gay, is there any gay in the game? Because I don't know what will happen if I'm confronted with the gay!!!"
"Calm down, nothing in there is going to remind you of these urges of yours, play away."
My translation.
You probably have as many slugs as I do here in Germany, slugs absolutely love lupines. I had to give up on them.
Do you require ad blockers with these? This use case sounds like the intention of the feature, not like the perversion we're headed for now.
Nope, has been patched out quite some time ago. For heat transfer, a small interface is normally enough, e. g. to power a few steam turbines. The biggest problem is that the lava will disconnect as is starts to solidify into debris. You will need to keep your spike walkable to fix that.
If you want to extract heat faster, instead of a deeper spike you can move heat, use a conveyor rail with refined carbon rotating on it, it transfers heat well. Rotate it into diamond windows at the source and at the destination.
To those who don't know, Italians can be super particular about what pasta goes with which condiment. If the recipe says linguine, it's linguine or you can't cook the dish. Spaghetti aren't acceptable.
Also if you sit with some Italians and want to troll them ask them what they think about farfalle (the bowties) and watch the show, most are super opinionated as well.
28g of salt on a liter batch, unpasteurized (I prefer it alive), no vinegar added, in the fridge. I just looked at an older batch that did not become moldy but only developed a bit of kahm, and realized it is much more liquid than the sauce that became moldy. That might be a difference.
Yes, don't hold back on the rocketry stuff until you reach whatever you have in mind. Carbon dioxide engines can and should be built with very little resources and research. Spaced Out is designed to allow you to go to space fast, so do just that!