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Direkt gelernt: niemals über Hamburg nach Berlin!
👍 Super!
Direkt gelernt: niemals über Hamburg nach Berlin!
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Why don't women hold the same positions? Why should they have less experience? Why wouldn't they work the same hours?
Yeah, that was my first thought as well when I first encountered this problem some time ago, however in Germany
the difference between hourly wages is 18% on average,
the difference in pay for the same work is 6%.
Official government source in German https://www.destatis.de/DE/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/2024/01/PD24_027_621.html#:~:text=WIESBADEN%20%E2%80%93%20Frauen%20haben%20im%20Jahr,(25%2C30%20Euro).
And 3) if education, hours worked, age and type of job indeed is the main factor, we should maybe ask ourselves why this is so and if it has to be this way, e. g. why female dominated jobs pay less.
That is some sexist bullshit and if you allow, I'll remain angry.
Ja, hört sich nach Absprache an, oder? Wo freier Markt, wenn man ihn braucht?
Das hatte damals eine ganz andere Bedeutung. Ich habe mal mit einer Dame gesprochen, die in einem weniger technisierten Land die Umstellung von Hausfrau wäscht alles mit Hand zur Waschmaschine noch live miterlebt hat, und sie war felsenfest der Überzeugung, dass dies die eigentliche Emanzipation eingeleitet hat. Ohne die Maschine waren die Hausfrauen der Zeit ganze Tage mit Wäsche waschen beschäftigt.
Kaufkraftäquivalent von einer DM in 1965 sind heute 2,68€.
Allerdings gab es zu der Zeit Geräte, die nur einen Teil der Aufgaben gemacht haben, z. B. nur Schleudern. Die werden dann wohl erschwinglicher gewesen sein.
Spices stand still exists, so I'll return there once I've checked mine to make a list of what needs refilling. I usually buy all my spices there for the year, they are expensive but top quality, costs me like 70 bucks and I'm done with spices.
Bought new slippers made of sheepskin, they raised the price quite a bit. Also a yearly expense.
I love the french fries there, and a stand has sausages made from game, deer and wild hog, they are awesome.
Bit unusual, but it makes the Christmas market worthwhile for me, as I otherwise despise everything Christmas.
Ja, aber ist das denn auch versichert?!
Yeah, the longer this goes on, the better for China. The balance of power shifts in their favor every day, and they have all the political reasons to keep this war going as much as they can.
Russia bleeds out, what are they going to do, stop them? Nah buddy, here have some more chips for your rockets.
Nato countries grow tired of investing in "far away" peoples? Great, how much does the French right wing care about Taiwan now?
They are the real and only winner.
It's basic state theory, I believe we had that in middle school, along with the division of power. I mentioned the US exception because if you went to school there, your basic state theory might have been different from mine.
So. They got only one alive, of 1000 or possibly 3000 casualties.