The rule is ghat they need to make more money than the year before. A company that need to make money and does would not be an issue. But a company that needs to make more and more each year is the disease.
Parental leave, sick days (unlimited), 10 national holidays, and 52 vacation days for me. And I am European. Edit. And two days telework a week.
He does this to get people to talk about him. He hates not being the topic of every conversation. He will do ANYTHING to become the most spoken about topic.
Someone get him some cherries.
Dome keeper. It's a really fantastic game.
It has already been clarified already that this happened right after her announcement (notice her clothes, location etc.) And that they held out on showing this to keep the momentum going.
What I find the most irritating tbh is that Jim Halpert (or John Krasinski for that matter) would be completely against this crap and would never say such a thing.
While China is building a LOT of renewable energy and it should be applauded for it, it is not the only thing that are building. China accounted for 95% of the world’s new coal power construction activity in 2023, according to the latest annual report from
You see them in lots of locations in Germany as well as the Netherlands and France
where is this from?
The wife and I once used it to keep our fondue warm.
My money is on her bringing scarlet witch back so that they straighten that fact out for the movie.