likewise for me ! the extra fabric really swallows me up, it looks really bad. for my bodytype i think more fitted/defined waist type outfits work better, maybe it's the same for you?
200 sqft for roughly $1800USD, it's insane how expensive things are. A city of 7 million + people, there's so many people living below the poverty line and/or in single rooms or mutligenerations in a signle home
cantonese has different writing and speaking words so i will try to find these words first
HK style borscht - LawSung tong
i've actually never heard of this before!
you could just google?
MAID being pushed on poor people, MAID being pushed on veterans asking for mental health
many Canadians will know examples of it being abused
song lyrics for music you like? helpful for reading, grammar, and learning some vocabulary
It's harder in areas where there's less resources like the West
When they arrested the guy he said he wanted this person to move places to sleep, the guy is completely sociopathic
definitely would not attempt this myself, would find a tailor
cool thnx for the link!