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[–] Pat12 20 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I wouldn't use "never get to experience" but i would say it's much harder to have that real sense of community that we easily found in the 90s, early 2000s, etc.

People are more connected to others but still more isolated from others. We were less connected to other people back then so people made a real effort to come up with fun activities and bond together. For kids, it's the lack of just playing outside in the neighbourhood with friends. For adults, it's the lack of third places and community/religious events.

[–] Pat12 3 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Orr would defend his Communist friends to his Fascist freinds and he would defend his Fascist friends to his Communist friends. No one ever defended Orr because he was too weird.

yes this is basically what I mean

[–] Pat12 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I know people who were Christians in Afghanistan, who were outed to the government (Taliban). The word they use is “spy”. It may not be the normal, English use of the word, but it’s the word that real-life people who have been on the receiving end of the betrayal use.

This is basically what i mean; someone who you can't fully trust about their allegiance.

That is really awful what happened to those people; are they ok now?

[–] Pat12 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Would you rather he, as a non-government affiliated citizen, pick a side? War is stupid. Communication is great. Maybe this is naive of me, but I think the world would be better, and maybe require less war, if everyone had equal access to communication.

I recently read about Ted Hall who shared nuclear secrets with the Soviet Union because he thought everyone should have equal access to nuclear weapons and this would prevent another world war.

Your logic is similar and it's not a good thing.

[–] Pat12 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

That is such a heads-up for me in terms of making assumptions based on my own privilege, and I apologise for doing that here. I’m very lucky to be able to discuss politics without fear.

it's ok, everyone has their own problems

my wording was maybe not clear

[–] Pat12 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Not a good way to make them see reason. I know it’s hypothetical but if you’re friends shouldn’t you put in some effort to help instead of just drop them?

you're planning to spend time debating with a ziganwu? or if you're western, a staunch far-left or far-right supporter or someone with very racist views?

[–] Pat12 4 points 3 months ago (8 children)

no, it's normal to have a variety of friends

i'm talking about people with loyalty to a specific ideology and they are not honest about who they are in contact with, i live in asia in an area where you can get in a lot of trouble if you support democracy and if you share such information with the wrong person you can get in a lot of trouble

[–] Pat12 1 points 3 months ago

I heard them called “bats” because they flap around between different groups and are associated with darkness thus “shady”!


[–] Pat12 1 points 3 months ago

In any case, political crimes (“democracy supporter”) are just more justification to not care, imo.

you are saying you want people to not care about who they share information with when they live under a state that will arrest you for many more reasons than someone in the west would expect?

[–] Pat12 1 points 3 months ago


i learned a new word, thank you!

[–] Pat12 2 points 3 months ago

i learned a new word, thank you!

[–] Pat12 18 points 3 months ago

They will openly say this and still the US does nothing to stop it


Looking for a ski club for someone; I saw online that there were a few different clubs. The person is a relatively advanced skier but more importantly it would be nice to have other people their age to ski with regardless of skill. They are a few years out of college so ideally a ski club where there are many other people in their 20s. Thank you.


I got into a mild accident last week; after being checked out, i don't have anything broken but i have torn ligaments in one of my feet. My recovery has mostly been resting my foot and not putting pressure on; i'm not allowed to go for a walk. Would I be able to go swimming? This way I can keep my foot from being stiff but i can do some exercise.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Pat12 to c/loveisblind

They keep previewing one of the cast members confronting another for cheating - for me, i want to see who they're talking about

submitted 4 months ago by Pat12 to c/femalefashionadvice

I'm obsessed with tailored high waisted shorts (example: and dolfin shorts for every day and after swimming

Season 6 Megathread (self.loveisblind)
submitted 4 months ago by Pat12 to c/loveisblind

I've been to suviche before for ceviche but i'd like to try somewhere that's authentic like a hole in the wall place where peruvians would go for ceviche. I can speak intermediate spanish so it's all good if they don't speak english. Thanks!

Edit: thanks! I went to Aromas del Peru and it was really delicious. Went to Farolito for dinner and it was incredible. I would recommend that place 11/10.


Looking to make a bison steak and can't seem to find juniper berries or any other fresh/sour berry to pair. Thanks.


trying to find this lipstick because it seems to be an ideal mauve nude colour but i can't find it anywhere in north america. Would appreciate where i can find this colour or a dupe of this colour (any brand). Thanks.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Pat12 to c/[email protected]

I have a few friends who have their own pilots license (private pilot i assume). How safe is it to fly your own plane?

I have acrophobia so learning how to fly is not high on my list but would like to know about how safe it is to assuage some fears. To be it seems scary because if something goes wrong, you wouldn't be the only person getting hurt (as would be the case for scuba diving or skiing) but you might also risk hurtings others like your plane crashing out of control.

edit: i'm asking on the off chance i feel like one day getting a private pilots license like my friends. i'm not planning on flying with the friends anytime soon; they live on the other side of the world.

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