To be HONEST, in this unlimitedly-dishonest-"world",
the whole reason that Trump's trying to break Canada's life, is to gain personal/national possession of the entire continent,
with all Canadians becoming illegals, & ALL the resource/wealth resolving to him.
It isn't a trade-war, it's economic, rather-than conventional/infantry, warfare, intended to BREAK Canada's existence.
IF Canada's so-called "leaders" ..
( sorry for the bitterness, but that bitterness is earned, at all levels of government, just as it also is earned against the so-called "charities" of our world whose primary mission is converting donated-funds to wallowing-wealth for the executives, or the business-people who simultaneously "can't afford" to have their employees have enough to live, yet somehow "need" to have obscene wallowing-wealth for themselves.. There isn't much integrity on this entire-world, is there?? )
.. have ANY brains in them, they'll immediately INVEST in as massive, & permanent, a trade-reconfiguration as possible,
to break dependency on the narcissist-machiavellian-sociopathy now ruling the world's agenda.
This was visible years-ago, btw..
Well-established hopium may well cost us our country, too, just as the Democrat-party's hopium cost them the US of A, entirely
( there isn't going to be any 2028-election: Civil War Part2 rather than tolerating to be extracted-from-dictatorship is now the US's fate.
All the Democrats who're pretending that they're going to win in 2028 are holding their heads "in the sand" as hard as they can.
Welcome to what the Abrahamic-religions call "the End Times". )
- sigh *
All this was preventable, had people's priorities been upright, instead of spineless/corrupt/indulging-oriented, as "profit" programmed our species into being-loyal-to..
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THEY blatently wielded disinformation to prevent Kamala Harris from having fair-chance,
but .. suddenly .. they want to be seen as having "integrity"??
They are every-bit as responsible as the WW2 Appeasers, & the Nazis who were "just following orders",
& G-D can't unsee what any phenomena in OceanOfAllPhenomena/Universe enacts, no matter what that phenomena's "identity" is.
The 2-facedness/2-heartedness of such scum..
May their Continuums/Souls have absolute purification, .. but not until this entire-world is gone, so that their Souls have to find "home" among some other world, other-than the world they betrayed.
( the alternative, tbh, is for their Continuum-purification to be sooo savage as to succeed in short-timespan, which .. would be sadistic.
Purification's mathematically-inevitable, as the root-guru of the Christians identified: what any Continuum "sows", that Continuum "reaps", aka Karma,
but the better way of saying it is that any meaning that a Soul emits, that Soul has no alternative but to reabsorb, until it ceases to have any Soul-ignorance in it.
The greatest monsters, .. in future-worlds, .. become the greatest saints: action->reaction.
As some True guides have pointed-out, Continuums/Souls are neither inherently-evil nor inherently-good: they're inherently NEUTRAL!
Which means that the evil committed by an ignorant-Soul, exactly balances the good that that same Soul commits when it has earned purification..
The greater the Soul-ignorance, the greater the future-Soul-gnosis..
There's nothing "political" in it: it's just an impersonal-function of reality..
All this means, of course, that there's no logic in my wishing for karma to be on anyone: that's inherent, & my intending any such thing just makes my Continuum's cycle worse..
but honesty's a good method, & at the moment my wishing for karma to be biting .. immediately on the worst narcissist-machiavellian-sociopaths/psychopaths .. is honest.
I'd rather this world wasn't being turned into the social-civil-spiritual equivalent to "Drano"!
: )
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