
joined 6 months ago
[–] Paragone 3 points 5 days ago

Given the measurably-poorer-outcomes for Black patients in any hospital without Black doctors ( some research from sometime in the last few years, can't remember anything else about it ), this is perfectly rational.

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[–] Paragone -1 points 5 days ago

Then the Kremlin will simply ban them, & the Russian people will have a worse situation than they did with the ban.


"Responsibility", instead of pragmatic-responsibility: socio-political-"statements" instead of remaining-in-the-game-still-pushing-for-rightness..

[–] Paragone 58 points 5 days ago (9 children)

Don't play games with disinformation.

Treating disinformation as worthy of equal-validity debate, itself "sends a message", validating the disinformation.

[–] Paragone 2 points 5 days ago

I "lobsterize" when in the sun.

I've read that 5 deep sunburns measurably increases a life's risk of skin-cancer.

Be careful with that kind of radiation-burn ( which is exactly what it is: UV radiation )

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[–] Paragone 3 points 5 days ago

I would want .. 7-50y in prison, for the evil scum "friend" who masterminded this.


Psychopathic, machiavellian, given India's non-valuing of women, sadistic, narcissistic, .. you don't accommodate such terrorists-of-individual-lives.

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[–] Paragone 4 points 5 days ago

Tell them of a famous guy, the most "woke" person in the entire bible, a socialist & convicted-felon people call "Jesus" benJoseph, who called hypocrites "Hypocrites!" right in their face, instead of "turning the other cheek", a guy who got *physically violent" on the commercial-operation of the temple..

See if they just blot that out from their awareness, to fit their ideology..

Kahneman's "Thinking Fast And Slow" is the key book to understanding the different mechanisms of mind, in the ideology/prejudice/instinct/reaction circuit, vs the considered-reasoning-circuit, in case you want the real "artillery" of understanding what's going on in the world, now..

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[–] Paragone 3 points 5 days ago

The same "morals" as the fake-Jews, aka "Jews", who convicted Yehoshua "Jesus" ( Iosa, actually, not "Jesus", was his Roman name, apparently ) benJoseph..

Remember in the Christian Bible, Pontius Pilate tried to have Rule of Just Law win the case, but the "Republicans" of his day wouldn't tolerate that, and since Pontius Pilate didn't have the political-leverage to win, he just washed his hands, explicitly of the case, in protest..

What has changed?

These "Christians" are behaving exactly the same, in motivation, as their predecessors did:

[–] Paragone -2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I think that "alleged" can be dropped, if the emergency-services people had to deal with evidence that was sufficiently-obvious.

Don't push deluded-doubt to help the disinformation empire, please.

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[–] Paragone 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

TTBOMK, there are 3 things which change-the-rules, significantly.

  1. Pimsleur. Get the Pimsleur app, get the all-languages subscription, & do 1 session per day.

  2. Flashcards, or Anki, to get the visual imprinted into your automatic-mind, for any language you are trying to learn


  1. Tandem, where you find a speech-learning partner, you help other people learn your languages better, other people help you learn your target-language better.

Begin with Pimsleur & with some yt videos.

( they have no Sanskrit, which is the one I want, unfortunately )

Do well!

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[–] Paragone 5 points 5 days ago

Invest in these books, now:

( not affiliate links, which should be obvious from the short uri's )

IF you do not understand all the stuff in there, THEN you're suckerpunching your life, and I don't want that happening, ok?

Salut, Namaste, Kaizen, & Fare as well as you possibly can.

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[–] Paragone 5 points 6 days ago (2 children)

So, the people who were contempting of the "insignificance" of all those leaks .. were actually correct?

How startling!



Also includes the "DevOps for the Desparate", "Linux Firewalls: Attack Detection and Response with iptables, psad, & fwsnort", "The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition", "Absolute OpenBSD", "The Book of PF" ( I think that's for the BSD's ), "Designing Secure Software", "Practical ulnerability Management", "Eloquent JavaScript 3rd Edition", "The Practice of Network Security Monitoring", etc...

IF you can't afford the Safari subscription, which I presume would include all of these,

AND you want thorough competence in the fundamentals

THEN you really probably want to know some of these ones.

I'd require the current edition of "How Linux Works" as the bedrock understanding of anyone who wanted to be working SysAdmin or DevOps, anywhere, any time.

This entire bundle is the same price as "How Linux Works" alone is, in my local ebook platform.

Our ignorance costs us, right?

We can reduce the price it makes us, and our world, pay, through more competent knowing of our fundamentals:

don't allow mistakes, or faulty-process, or malicious-actors, any leverage, you know?

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen!

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( I've just been treated by the Logitech chatbot as a complete incompetent moron, and it won't let me file a bug-report with them, unless I open them to even more such abuse, through email, so fsck 'em.

YOU get to see the bug-report, but if Logitech never sees it, that's their problem.

I want suckers who bought this expensive keyboard knowing what it's doing, however, and that requires the correct description be findable on the 'web. )

Sometimes after bluetooth powerdown, or switching either the tablet or keyboard off, it becomes impossible to reconnect to the tablet..

The device-button which is supposed to be connecting the keyboard to the tablet, can't..

Accidentally, I discovered that it had .. reconnected to my phone, while failing to reconnect to my tablet, but the device-button for my tablet was the one lit-up..

So, either

  • the phone & tablet are confused, and are scrambling-up their identities, re bluetooth pairing, so that the phone's using the tablet-credentials to connect, and the tablet then can't connect to the keyboard, XOR

  • the keyboard's confused, and is using its device-1 memory-stored-settings for device-2

I don't know which is the case, and have unpaired it from my phone, completely, but this bullshit is still happening.

I've had to re-pair the damn thing to my tablet about 2 dozen times in the last month, and it's fscking annoying.

IF you're encountering problems with your Logitech K780 wireless keyboard fucking up,

open up your other devices, and get apps up you can type into, to see if the damn keyboard is pretending that it's trying to pair to the proper device, but it has already paired with another of your devices

Nothing on

is correctly describing this effect.

Let the world know the truth, in spite of Logitech's blocking of the correct information.

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