
joined 1 year ago
[–] Paragone 38 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Then they are completely-foolish.

Trump couldn't care less about the real long-term interest of the US of A: he's smashing the US to smithereens for sake of his importance, throughout the next 8-ish years.

( no there won't be any replacement of him through election: it's too late for that, now:

the Dems had their chance, in 2024, & relied on their filter-bubble & their Hopium.

The opportunity's completely gone, & Civil War Part2 will begin roughly in 2027-9, when even the deniers are forced into seeing that it's too late, & it should last a few years )

The Republicans' butchering civil-rights is anti-fragile: it'll only escalate.

& as for any proof that Trump's values couldn't care less about the human-lives dependent on the old way?

USAID's gutting was the intentional severing of thousands of medical lifelines.

Extrapolate those Trump-values globally, & then you're seeing the actual Trump, Putin's apprentice.

Please Asia do not rely on Hopium as the Democratic Party did..

Making-believing's the most worthless "defence" there is.

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[–] Paragone 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm not the poster you're contempting, I'm just some asshole Empiricist who works to consistently check before contempting.

Scientific-integrity is not in the culture I grew-up in ( dad's medical-culture Scientism has no tolerance for it, neither did mom's Catholicism ),

but it is required for outright intellectual-integrity.

For those who won't check the link to see the results, here is the abstract from 1 paper:

Infectious agents and Alzheimer's disease


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia worldwide. Individuals affected by the disease gradually lose their capacity for abstract thinking, understanding, communication and memory. As populations age, declining cognitive abilities will represent an increasing global health concern. While AD was first described over a century ago, its pathogenesis remains to be fully elucidated. It is believed that cognitive decline in AD is caused by a progressive loss of neurons and synapses that lead to reduced neural plasticity. AD is a multifactorial disease affected by genetic and environmental factors. The molecular hallmarks of AD include formation of extracellular β amyloid (Aβ) aggregates, neurofibrillary tangles of hyperphosphorylated tau protein, excessive oxidative damage, an imbalance of biothiols, dysregulated methylation, and a disproportionate inflammatory response. Recent reports have shown that viruses (e.g., Herpes simplex type 1, 2, 6A/B; human cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis C virus, influenza virus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, SARS-CoV-2), bacteria (e.g., Treponema pallidum, Borrelia burgdorferi, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Tannerella forsythia, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcmitans, Eikenella corrodens, Treponema denticola, and Helicobacter pylori), as well as eukaryotic unicellular parasites (e.g., Toxoplasma gondii) may factor into cognitive decline within the context of AD. Microorganisms may trigger pathological changes in the brain that resemble and/or induce accumulation of Aβ peptides and promote tau hyperphosphorylation. Further, the mere presence of infectious agents is suspected to induce both local and systemic inflammatory responses promoting cellular damage and neuronal loss. Here we review the influence of infectious agents on the development of AD to inspire new research in dementia based on these pathogens.

bold-highlighting is by me.

[–] Paragone 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)


All the geek-managers who've claimed, through the years, to be "cat herders", or to be "herding cats", have ZERO validity compared with this woman..

She is THE Catherd(TM)

& we've been accepting the bullshit-claim of guys for years..

Shame on us.. doesn't empiricism require that we accept the data's facts?

: p

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[–] Paragone 2 points 1 week ago

The problem is in at-least 3 parts:

desensitization, AND feeding real psychopathy/sadism, AND normalizing such things..

moving the entire bell-curve is the problem.

or changing its shape..

People don't accept that murder is a form of expression, same as speech is..

Within your body, your immune-system, if it is working-properly, disallows the expression of cancer, pathogens, & parasites, right?

But people hold that it is possible to have a country who is healthy, which doesn't disallow the expression of moral-cancer, moral-pathogens, & moral-parasites, of course..

( "nobody has ANY right to restrict ANY expression, even treason, even murder! it's a RIGHT" would be a too-accurate simplification of many ideologues' won't-think "muscle" )

Exemption-from-accountability/exemption-from-responsibility, aka corruption, is all it really is.

tired of being gaslit, but that's all that's left, in this world, it seems.

( btw, I'm not attacking your perspective: you're right. Anybody already doing human-butchery-for-entertainment is somebody who needs to be found & limited/mitigated, before the "indulge" in butchering somebody.

I'm just getting these points into this page of discussions, to get the perspective recorded, is all..

There's a yt channel, LADbible I think it's called, & for some reason they've got some good in-depth interviews of, e.g. a woman who hunts the guys who destroy women's lives for kicks..

She set-up the equivalent-to the FBI's personality-profiling unit, in the UK..

Please watch that video, because what she tells us about stalkers, that they have MUCH higher liklihood of murdering ( something like 1/8 of 'em murder their victim? waaay too high, that ), & therefore stalking NEEDS to be considered to be a life-threat at that level..

I wish the Good Guys were winning, in this world, but it'll take years to put the balance back, for some portion of the world, now..

but the alternative is to simply lose the world..

here: I think this is it:

How can we support her & others doing the same kind of work?

we need clearer government, for 1 thing..

anyways, such are dangerous, & feeding their sickness does have consequences..

that's what we've got to find the spine to correct.

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[–] Paragone 3 points 1 week ago

the measured change-in-behavior of recruits, through the decades, is real,

& it is the realistic-simulation-of-murder which is most-effective in creating populations who easily murder.

I know that that measurement of actual-behavior is in the beginning of that book, & if they've got the spine to stand on actual-fact, instead of ideology, then it'd be a much better place to look, than would ideology, for people with intellectual-integrity/scientific-integrity.

"On Killing" & "Things They Cannot Say" also are on-topic, though less-directly, ttbomk.

Back in WW1, it was damn-near impossible to get new soldiers to actually shoot another person.

Nowadays? Mass-shootings are a form of "sport" among some cultures.

Yes, that is actual significant-change in psychology & behavior, & yes, it does have a cause, as the Assassination Generation book is on.

Here are some actual-numbers:

( only 500 mass-shootings in the US, last year! improvement! )

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[–] Paragone 6 points 1 week ago

He is Putin's beta/apprentice.

That is an entirely-distinct reality, with many far-reaching consequences.

Pretending that he is merely surrendering-to-Russia .. is suicide.

[–] Paragone 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

"must", .. or what??

Pretentious idiocy.

Mental-rabies NEEDS to be dealt-with AS mental-rabies.

Ideology/prejudice/"religion" which prohibits objectivity, & is identity-anchor, HAS to be dealt-with as functionally subhuman: mere-animal mind/determination,

because it IS mere-animal mind: the imprint->reaction mind of unreasoning herdbeasts, of unreasoning pack-animals.

Continuing to pretend that ideology/prejudice/"religion"'s programming is "reasonable" & reason-WITH-able, .. is simply us making ourselves into helpers of their slaughtering our own children: it is outright criminality.

Churchill, who simultaneously was prejudiced-scum who enforced lots of needless destruction-of-life in India AND he was the guy who held the West together during WW2

( I'm fed-up with ideology's "people are either all-good or all-bad, and OUR people are all-good, and OTHER people are all-bad" prejudice..

Hans Reiser was a murder of his own wife, but ReiserFS was a good filesystem which committed no crime.

The founder of Ikea was a Nazi-party member years before, but his Ikea has done great good in our world, for people like college students & young families.

Musk's 5 stages of engineering, which most get in the wrong-order, with Remove Dumb Requirements 1st, iirc Delete Unnecessary Parts & Processes is 2nd, Simplify & Clarify is 3rd? then Accelerate, then last is Automate, .. is 1 of the most-important gifts the ENTIRE engineering-field has ever gotten, & yes, he is a physical tech genius, AND he is a flagrant Nazi fascist, & absolute enemy of civil-rights.

People who intentionally side with evil can have done some right-things:

ideology's oversimplification isn't what Universe sees, & therefore it isn't what G-D sees, either.

It's why we now use Nazi-design shaped protective hats for our military people: that-design protects-lives better.

As the USMC's rule says: take their technology, not their doctrine. ( & that requires having the integrity+intelligence to differentiate between the 2, doesn't it? )

( that rule is from "Corps Business: the 30 Management Principles of the US Marines" by David H. Freedman, a senior-Forbes-editor who directly asked the USMC if he could immerse himself among them, learn all he could, & write a book about it.. Why did the USMC agree? because they figured they could actually learn something, & that's leverage! ) )

Anyways, as Churchill identified, there is zero point in arguing-with, or reasoning-with, either drunks or fanatics.

More-properly-resolved, it is the imprint->reaction mind that there isn't any point in treating as "rational".

Kahneman1 mind ( lower-forebrain, ttbomk ).

IF someone demonstrates that they're solidly within imprint->reaction mind, disallowing/ignoring/denying evidence, correct-reasoning, etc, THEN accept that, deal-with that, & treat them as incapable-of-rationality human-shaped-animals.


Suspending that decision endlessly, helps them to slaughter our lives.

& I'm fed-up with pretending otherwise being treated as "the only valid position".



To be honest, I don't expect much of humankind to survive the next-century, if any does, simply because pretending/ignoring/denying is sooo fundamentally preferred to actual-honesty/objectivity.

"Actions speak louder than words" people say .. but "words are more valid than actions" is what our "journalism" and our "governing" and our pseudo-accountability and our legal-systems etc all enforce/"prove"/enact.

Only when there are nearly-no-human-lives-left will that be force-changed??


Too bad for the future-generations, but that's our-generation's determination, isn't it?

Better to murder-off all their future-lives, than to have spine/integrity now?

sickening, repugnant, but .. proudly-committed-by-many, now.

"Accelerationists", especially.

they "must" do this, or that .. OR WHAT??

FORCE consequences, morons, or allow them to slaughter us all.

"governing", my arse.

Occupying-authority-while-NOT-governing, more like.

Accountability-repellent seems to be what political-authority is made-of??

_ /\ _

PS: I'm not advocating-for what the ideologues do, I'm advocating for accepting that at the individual level, IF an individual demonstrates that they are immune-to-reason, THEN treat that-individual as immune-to-reason.

the ideologues judge people as mere-animal if they're outside-of-the-ideologues'-IDENTITY, & that's a pre-judging mechanism, not an objective-judging-based-on-actual-behavior basis.

The Hamas programming that Jews cannot be human, the Zionist programming that Palestinians cannot be human, etc, that is the pre-judging that I'm calling mental-rabies.

There ARE people, of my nationality, & yours, who war against considered-reasoning ( upper-forebrain, ttbomk ), trying to enforce imprint->reaction's totalitarian dominion.

The Catholic inquisition tried, for centuries, to murder its way to unquestioning-lordhood, the "Christian" nationalists are working on recreating that kind of animal-human totalitarian dominion in the US of A right now.

ALL the Abrahamic-religions, ALL the Dharmic-religions ( of India ), ALL kinds of Indigenous religions, fundamentalist-atheism, physicalism-existentialism, ANY paradigm can be converted into an imprint->reaction ideology,

AND any religion can be held to be a considered-reasoning religion, by humans.

It ISN'T which "label" a person is wearing, it is their behavior which need be judged, & treated-as-it-actually-is.

( I realized after writing that people were going to perhaps-intentionally misinterpret it to claim that I'm just gaslighting, just pushing ideology while pretending to stand counter to ideology, simply because I hadn't identified that it is individual behavior which shows the real truth.

Hopefully, that's fixed, now, clearly-enough. : )

[–] Paragone 1 points 2 weeks ago

I upvoted it because of the 1st half: there isn't any way I would have guessed that service-dogs go get help, & that is important to know.

Thank you for telling us.

_ /\ _

[–] Paragone 2 points 2 weeks ago

I have read that Canadian Geographic magazine ( like National Geographic magazine, but colder ) decided to fire their photo-editor.

It's a photo-centric magazine.

So, their quality dropped.

& that had consequences..

Since I only read 1 source for the story, I've no idea if it tests-out, but that is exactly the problem with hard-to-grow expertise: you don't know how much worth it is, until you lose it, & then you can't quickly/easily get it back.

( this story is actually a good example of why people should be tested for roles the're not even close to working-in:

it'd help one calibrate the difficulty-in-replacing particular people, AND it'd identify if you even can replace them, & if not, get training backups or get bringing-in people, until you've got a backup, eh? )

Anyways, until a person has worked-through Betty Edwards' "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, the 4th Definitive edition", & experienced the hemisphere-dominance-shift, themselves, it simply isn't understandable how meaningful that shift is.

( also, it validates exactly what Hofstadter wrote "Godel Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid" about: that each kind-of-knowing is incapable of knowing ANY meaning which isn't within-its-kind-of-knowing. )

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[–] Paragone 1 points 2 weeks ago
[–] Paragone 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Mao, Stalin, AND Hitler ALL genocided within their own territory, whether intentionally or not ( Mao wiped-out knowledge-workers, creating massive famine, ttbomk )

The whole "horseshoe political-spectrum" is failing-to-understand that there actually is a different dimenion involved..

Considered-reasoning only lives in the middle,

& imprint->reaction-mind owns both extremes, AND it also owns many who nominally are "center".

Kahneman's "Thinking Fast and Slow" is on the difference between the 2 kinds of mental-function,

and to the best of my knowledge, the imprint->reaction mind is lower-forebrain, while the considered-reasoning mind is upper-forebrain.

ALL ideology/prejudice/"religion" ( religion, not spirituality, which is considered-reasoning rooted ) is rooted in the imprint->reaction bypassing-actual-thinking mind.

The Catholic inquisition, the murderers of any religion, the murderers of any political-ideology, etc..

I simply cannot understand how anybody could maintain that the ideology-genociding-of-the-left OR the ideology-genociding-of-the-right OR the ideology-genociding-of-religions OR the ideology-genociding-of-racism OR the ideology-genociding-of-gender-racism ( the inquisition was part of that, the Muslim immigrant gang-rapes committed in their new countries is part of that, the male-supremacist-vote which helped block Harris from winning in the US is part of it, the fact that rape is a pretend-crime in actual-practice is part of that, as the male authorities just don't consider it to be a "real" crime, if its "only" against girls & women, the scum who rewrote Genesis millenia ago, to alter it from saying that women "ate of the fruit of the knowledge of Good & Evil" ( which it still says ), to instead "interpreted" that, right in the text, so that instead of meaning that women ate of moral understanding ( altruism is demonstrated to be generalized-mothering, in wasps & humans, & grandmothers in the tribe are a significant tribal-survival-advantage, through deep-time/evolution )..

Is the intentional-genociding of Tibetans & Uighurs "OK" because it is being done by the left?

Was Stalin's force-exterminating millions of his own country's people somehow OK?

XOR is it that the genociding of fascists doesn't count?

Obviously, you hold that I, like the original-poster am beyond-reason, beyond wrong.

That's fine.

I'm fed-up with being gaslit by ideologues, & ideologues are equally fed-up with all who are not within their ideology, obviously.

Which is the essence of The Great Filter, in-which humankind will either lock entirely into imprint->reaction mode & simply tantrum/pogrom until all our kind is extinguished,

XOR some fraction of humankind will do all they can to lock-into considered-reasoning, & do everything they can to continue force-evolving, while surviving the apoctalyptic-nihilism of the ideologues..

I don't expect the total-war to cease until the end of this century, once it starts ( in the 2030's, probably )

Party-fascism ( which is what "communism" actually is ) & individual-fascism both are intolerant of healthy-diversity.

Collectivist-evil & individualist-evil are equal-"powers", just different in methods & in their self-programming.

.. shrug ..

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[–] Paragone 1 points 2 weeks ago

Years ago, had a page on how the "good" witch was actually the bad-guy..

includes some understanding of how the "Wicked Witch of the West" only wanted her now-smashed-by-Dorothy's-house sister's shoes back, & did NOTHING harmful to anybody, otherwise, in the movie..

( scroll waaay down, to get to that stuff )

Can't remember what they identified that the "Good" Witch did, but in the article that I no-longer can find, they did detail some stuff..

( has a number of pages on how we just naturally slurped-up the totally-wrong/bogus view, from many movies, through the years, it seems..

& that sane considering of what's in those movies produces a completely different view of the things..

actually, that one should probably be a link to Nitpickers, or whatever that site was called, shouldn't it? )

_ /\ _


Firefox 131, btw.

To replicate this bug,

go to

tap-hold on one of the documents there,

download link..

Where is it?

It isn't in Downloads..

Firefox says it was downloaded successfully..

OK, so what happens if I Open it?

It opens!!

So, it's saving it to its cache,

& calling that "downloaded", or something??

It's bullying/wrong/abuse, is what it is.

BTW, it doesn't matter if I've tossed all my apps, then rebooted the tablet,

nor does it matter if I toss Firefox & on restarting it just try opening the document in a different private-tab ( open link in new private-tab ), then use the Download button in the top-left:

FF's still fucking me over for the documentation I'm trying to get.

It does seem to be a Heisenbug, intermittent & .. not obvious what the hell the key is, to make it predictable..

Last boot-session it had allowed me to get the Specs .pdf,

but then none of the Application Notes ( damn ALL of them ) appeared in the Downloads folder, when I checked..

Maybe it's seeing if the file has EVER been downloaded, or tried-to-download, & if so, it's vetoing my getting my hands on it?

( if anybody cares:

the Nucleo-64 boards that "Bare Metal C", a NoStarch Press book, works with, apparently include the Nucleo-F091RC board, which may be more powerful than the board that "Bare Metal C" was written for.

I can't remember the details, but this particular board should be compatible, and have more memory, at least.

This microcontroller is the one on the Nucleo-F091RC board.

That is why I want to be reading the Reference Manual & the Programmer's Manual, & all the Application Notes for it..

Someday I'll be able to afford the hardware, too.. : )

PS: If this community wants my bug-report deleted from here,

( & obviously Mozilla removed their bug-reporting feature from Firefox/Android, to eradicate bug-reports from Android FF users )

then remove this, & that's fine.

I've no problem with either way:

world wants it gone,

XOR world permits the bug-report to exist.

_ /\ _


Maybe other people don't get the results I'm seeing, but it makes that page unusable in ff.

Brave has no problem rendering the page, though.

Anyways, since it seems to be a bug in ff, and I've learned that ff doesn't want any feedback from mobile-devices people, the bug report can be here,

or be deleted to not be fixed,

or whatever: I don't care, anymore.

Integrity requires that it be noted, but..


Also includes the "DevOps for the Desparate", "Linux Firewalls: Attack Detection and Response with iptables, psad, & fwsnort", "The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition", "Absolute OpenBSD", "The Book of PF" ( I think that's for the BSD's ), "Designing Secure Software", "Practical ulnerability Management", "Eloquent JavaScript 3rd Edition", "The Practice of Network Security Monitoring", etc...

IF you can't afford the Safari subscription, which I presume would include all of these,

AND you want thorough competence in the fundamentals

THEN you really probably want to know some of these ones.

I'd require the current edition of "How Linux Works" as the bedrock understanding of anyone who wanted to be working SysAdmin or DevOps, anywhere, any time.

This entire bundle is the same price as "How Linux Works" alone is, in my local ebook platform.

Our ignorance costs us, right?

We can reduce the price it makes us, and our world, pay, through more competent knowing of our fundamentals:

don't allow mistakes, or faulty-process, or malicious-actors, any leverage, you know?

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen!

_ /\ _


( I've just been treated by the Logitech chatbot as a complete incompetent moron, and it won't let me file a bug-report with them, unless I open them to even more such abuse, through email, so fsck 'em.

YOU get to see the bug-report, but if Logitech never sees it, that's their problem.

I want suckers who bought this expensive keyboard knowing what it's doing, however, and that requires the correct description be findable on the 'web. )

Sometimes after bluetooth powerdown, or switching either the tablet or keyboard off, it becomes impossible to reconnect to the tablet..

The device-button which is supposed to be connecting the keyboard to the tablet, can't..

Accidentally, I discovered that it had .. reconnected to my phone, while failing to reconnect to my tablet, but the device-button for my tablet was the one lit-up..

So, either

  • the phone & tablet are confused, and are scrambling-up their identities, re bluetooth pairing, so that the phone's using the tablet-credentials to connect, and the tablet then can't connect to the keyboard, XOR

  • the keyboard's confused, and is using its device-1 memory-stored-settings for device-2

I don't know which is the case, and have unpaired it from my phone, completely, but this bullshit is still happening.

I've had to re-pair the damn thing to my tablet about 2 dozen times in the last month, and it's fscking annoying.

IF you're encountering problems with your Logitech K780 wireless keyboard fucking up,

open up your other devices, and get apps up you can type into, to see if the damn keyboard is pretending that it's trying to pair to the proper device, but it has already paired with another of your devices

Nothing on

is correctly describing this effect.

Let the world know the truth, in spite of Logitech's blocking of the correct information.

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