
joined 1 year ago
[–] Paragone 2 points 3 days ago


THEY blatently wielded disinformation to prevent Kamala Harris from having fair-chance,

but .. suddenly .. they want to be seen as having "integrity"??

They are every-bit as responsible as the WW2 Appeasers, & the Nazis who were "just following orders",

& G-D can't unsee what any phenomena in OceanOfAllPhenomena/Universe enacts, no matter what that phenomena's "identity" is.

The 2-facedness/2-heartedness of such scum..

May their Continuums/Souls have absolute purification, .. but not until this entire-world is gone, so that their Souls have to find "home" among some other world, other-than the world they betrayed.

( the alternative, tbh, is for their Continuum-purification to be sooo savage as to succeed in short-timespan, which .. would be sadistic.

Purification's mathematically-inevitable, as the root-guru of the Christians identified: what any Continuum "sows", that Continuum "reaps", aka Karma,

but the better way of saying it is that any meaning that a Soul emits, that Soul has no alternative but to reabsorb, until it ceases to have any Soul-ignorance in it.

The greatest monsters, .. in future-worlds, .. become the greatest saints: action->reaction.

As some True guides have pointed-out, Continuums/Souls are neither inherently-evil nor inherently-good: they're inherently NEUTRAL!

Which means that the evil committed by an ignorant-Soul, exactly balances the good that that same Soul commits when it has earned purification..

The greater the Soul-ignorance, the greater the future-Soul-gnosis..

There's nothing "political" in it: it's just an impersonal-function of reality..

All this means, of course, that there's no logic in my wishing for karma to be on anyone: that's inherent, & my intending any such thing just makes my Continuum's cycle worse..

but honesty's a good method, & at the moment my wishing for karma to be biting .. immediately on the worst narcissist-machiavellian-sociopaths/psychopaths .. is honest.

I'd rather this world wasn't being turned into the social-civil-spiritual equivalent to "Drano"!

: )

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[–] Paragone 2 points 3 days ago

To be HONEST, in this unlimitedly-dishonest-"world",

the whole reason that Trump's trying to break Canada's life, is to gain personal/national possession of the entire continent,

with all Canadians becoming illegals, & ALL the resource/wealth resolving to him.

It isn't a trade-war, it's economic, rather-than conventional/infantry, warfare, intended to BREAK Canada's existence.

IF Canada's so-called "leaders" ..

( sorry for the bitterness, but that bitterness is earned, at all levels of government, just as it also is earned against the so-called "charities" of our world whose primary mission is converting donated-funds to wallowing-wealth for the executives, or the business-people who simultaneously "can't afford" to have their employees have enough to live, yet somehow "need" to have obscene wallowing-wealth for themselves.. There isn't much integrity on this entire-world, is there?? )

.. have ANY brains in them, they'll immediately INVEST in as massive, & permanent, a trade-reconfiguration as possible,

to break dependency on the narcissist-machiavellian-sociopathy now ruling the world's agenda.

This was visible years-ago, btw..

Well-established hopium may well cost us our country, too, just as the Democrat-party's hopium cost them the US of A, entirely

( there isn't going to be any 2028-election: Civil War Part2 rather than tolerating to be extracted-from-dictatorship is now the US's fate.

All the Democrats who're pretending that they're going to win in 2028 are holding their heads "in the sand" as hard as they can.

Welcome to what the Abrahamic-religions call "the End Times". )

  • sigh *

All this was preventable, had people's priorities been upright, instead of spineless/corrupt/indulging-oriented, as "profit" programmed our species into being-loyal-to..

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[–] Paragone 1 points 5 days ago

You will be waiting until 2031 or 2032, then.

He won't tolerate the 2028 election, so Civil War Part2 begins around then..

Only when "either his or NOBODY's" has finished butchering Turtle Island, will he be "finished".

People are living in hopium, instead of understanding the actual context, with the fascists allying globally, to butcher the whole world, for their "glory", or self-worship..

Please live strategically: too many are going to be wasted-lives, when things go to hell, for real: this is only the appetizer, I'm afraid..

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[–] Paragone 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

You're misunderstanding the situation, then, sorry..

Trump isn't rational, he is narcissistic-machiavellian-sociopathic.

IF Canada retaliates like that, THEN Trump may well declare war against Canada.

They would only need to drop a single large conventional-bomb on Ottawa, & then claim Canada as their "manifest destiny", declaring all Canadians to be "illegal aliens & criminals", & their "problem" would be "fixed".

He may not have the guts to do that this-week, but he is progressing psychologically, & the end-point of that progression, about 4y in our future, is as the most-murderous-dictator-on-the-planet.

He will be the complete-set: narcissistic, machiavellian, psychopathic, nihilist, sadist, systemically-dishonest, & hate, before the transformation is complete.

Tread carefully, when one is near a heavily-armed psychiatrically-defective giant, eh?

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[–] Paragone 0 points 5 days ago

Sorry, but Kahneman1-mind, imprint->reaction mind, including all ideology/prejudice/"religion",

CANNOT solve the problem that Kahneman1-mind created.

Einstein got that right: a different level of mind is required to dismantle the problems created with a particular level of mind.

Cultivating automatic-prejudice against MAGA cult members just polarizes things even more.

Only Kahneman2-mind, considered-reasoning, CAN counter ideology's highjacking-of-the-entire-planet-for-its-tantrum, that it's working-up-to, this decade.

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[–] Paragone 1 points 5 days ago

Trump won't tolerate the 2028 election to remove him.

The Civil War Part2 ocean-of-slaughter begins then.

Please do not rely on hopium to protect you & your loved-ones.

Please begin getting capable, or out, now.

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[–] Paragone 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)


HE ACTUALLY SPOKE THE TRUTH, that his intention is POSSESSION & SUBJUGATION/slavery, not collaboration-with??

You will notice that this has been updated, with the head-wound "miraculously" cured,

..though I insist that the original-prophecy referred to mental head-injury's cure, & that that hasn't happened, yet..

You will notice that the ancient biblical prophecies were about someone extraordinarily possessive, eh?

I wonder just how much corroboration has to happen, before the Christians begin taking it seriously..

  • shruggeth *

The ancient Jewish & Christian prophecies are accurate, in this case.. ( so are the Indigenous ones, but most don't care about those.. interesting, though, when such predictions get sooo much right, that's certain, in empiricism.. : )

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[–] Paragone 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I wonder if India would benefit from using Lion-Lights to limit tigers from areas?

IF they work on tigers,

THEN I pray India invests in the things, immediately, to reduce the killing, both-ways.

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PS: if anybody knows whom to contact, in India, with this tip, PLEASE, I beg you, get the people who would need this information having this information, please?

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[–] Paragone 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The runway-numbers drop the LAST, not the 1st, numeral,

Runway numbers are assigned based on a clockwise 360° radial, dropping the first number.

so, as the above informative-post stated, 10-degrees is runway 1, 180-degrees is runway 18, etc..

( I make mistakes like that too, so nobody blame them, ok? : )

_ /\ _

PS: black-boxes are REQUIRED by the US's FAA ( & the EU's equivalent, ttbomk ) to have backup-power for themselves, & I can't remember how many minutes of backup-power they're required to have, but it's something like 20-minutes? 40?

For the black-box to have lost power 4-minutes before the crash..

Something's VERY screwy, there..

Possible sabotage, even..

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[–] Paragone 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)
  1. I'm claiming that it isn't category-logic that is valid, it is degree-in-a-spectrum logic that is valid.

Believing that only Good(tm) & Bad(tm) are the only possible-conditions is false-dichotomy, false-framing.

1 is openly-evil, the other .. is less evil, & works hard at hiding all the evil it does, from white eyes.

  1. Israel holds it is Western, & treated as Western, in alignment, so it doesn't matter if someone holds that "because of what they do, therefore they aren't Western": their centrality in the US's military & international policy makes it Western in a functional sense.

  2. Representative-republic ISN'T, & never was, democracy, & the electoral-college made the US 2-times-removed from democracy, not 1-times-removed, as a normal representative-republic was.

Trump-dictatorship just finishes converting it to an ideology-archy, is all.

It'll take 7-8y for Trump to personality-convert to not-even-understanding-how-any-other-could-be-valid DarkHexad personality,

& then another 7-8y cycle for that personality's dictatorship to BUTCHER the US of A, as the Confederate reverse-takeover enforces its race-+-religion totalitarianism.

He promised his followers they wouldn't have to vote anymore, & that is a promise I trust him to fulfil.

You identified very-few assassinations, but I linked to a whole damn table-listing of the US's assassinations..

IF that doesn't count, because you've already made-up your mind, that isn't Empiricism, that is ideology/prejudice/"religion"/programming/Kahneman1-mind, & I'm fine with that being your religion: it is many people's religion, & you've total constitutional right to your ideology/prejudice/religion/programming/Kahneman1-mind, as all Westerners do, it seems..

( the problem is wrong-granularity: Nazism can be called a "religion" & there's no logically-valid falsification of that.

Instead of guaranteeing the constitutional right to any ideology/prejudice/religion/programming/Kahneman1-mind, the right needs to be much more precise, DISallowing DarkHexad principles or embodiements from being any guaranteed-right.

But that would violate the current "entitlement" to evil as a religion, wouldn't it? )

Our view is whitewashed!

Holding that an acceptably-whitewashed view "proves" that our side isn't evil .. that hasn't upright-spine in it, you know?

Here is a book I invested-in years ago, in order to discover if there was ANY truth to the "my whole view is whitewashed" position, & I figured that if I could understand 1 section of the book's context rigorously-enough ( based on my knowledge of outside-evidence, stuff NOT in the book ), THEN I'd be able to judge whether the book was all conspiracist-delusion XOR whether it was proving that at-least a significant-percentage of what it was saying was .. proving my belief to be what was baseless..

The section I dug-into was the systematic-assassination of biology researchers..

From what I could tell, it checked-out.

I never read any more of that book, because it's too damn depressing.

So, when it takes mere-seconds to find, online, evidence of THOUSANDS of falsely-labelled EKIA "Enemy Killed In Action", as it was Obama's S.O.P. to simply label ALL who US bombing butchered "EKIA", ignoring their being just families who lived there..

then the "evil XOR not-evil" false-dichotomy grates on my blood with its false-framing.

No matter.

Perhaps you hold that the evil the US does to its own not-have populations doesn't count in G-D's eye, either..

Most whites don't..

In the 1st while of the BLM uprising there were 5 open lynchings in the Deep South, but .. of course, .. the police called all those hangings "suicide", same as in the old days..

( read the Black news, when such events are happening, to get one's eyes opened, I learned.. )

I'm insisting that ignoring/denying OUR side's evil can't fool or convince G-D itself, & that objectivity is how it sees all,

& any Continuum/Soul which holds that it is child-of-G-D .. that continuum NEEDS to get holding to G-D's standards, including objectivity.

Seeing what actually IS, you know?


I've linked to evidence, & provided correct reasoning, but nobody has ANY obligation to tolerate that there's ANY truth in either:

ideology/prejudice/religion/programming/Kahneman1-mind ( Kahneman's "Thinking Fast and Slow", THE most important book in all psychology, in the world, now NONE of my links are "affiliate" links: read the sample, there, & invest-in-truth if you find something, anything, to be truth, if you want. You determine what you find to be true, obviously. )

all the imprint->reaction mind, no matter what it's labelled, has the right to ideologically reject both evidence & correct-reasoning.

WHEN one begins finding-out what's being hidden by one's own-side's propaganda, there is nothing more demoralizing, more depressing, even betraying-of-one's-belief.


But upright-ones require uprightness, & if "our side" has been warring against uprightness, then either we are accommodating it, XOR we are attacking it, for uprightness's sake.

Same with any cancer: accommodating it produces future-life-destruction, whereas fighting it, really digging-in, COSTS, but may save one's life, itself..

Ignore or dig-in, whichever you want.

I've provided enough examples-of-evidence, & no reader of this has any obligation to step outside of ideology & actually-consider evidence, let-alone keep-digging until even-more objective-view gets put in their gaze.

which is enough: Empiricists have all the convincing they need, & ideologues won't ever be convinced, anyways: that is The Great Filter which will extinguish nearly-all of this-world's population, this century's deathmatch.

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen.

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[–] Paragone 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

"Acute, short-lived reactions are often fairly benign, whereas chronic, unremitting courses carry a poor prognosis. Delayed, intermittent phenomena ("flashbacks") and LSD-precipitated functional disorders that usually respond to treatment appropriate for the non-psychedelic-precipitated illnesses they resemble, round out this temporal means of classification. The question of organic brain damage as well as permanent changes in personality, attitudes, and creativity in patients and normals who have repeatedly ingested psychedelic drugs is controversial, but tends to point to subtle or nonsignificant changes. Future areas for study of the psychedelics' pharmacological, psychological, and therapeutic effects are suggested. "

which is from this scientific paper:

Claiming that flashbacks "is not evidence-based", as you claim, is pseudoscientific disinformation, according to that paper's abstract.

Case closed.

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[–] Paragone 1 points 2 months ago

The only "touching of other EFI partitions" that they do that I know-of, is that every time there's a kernel-update, it updates GRUB, which requires a re-scan of all partitions, so it can get the bootable-systems listed in GRUB..

that doesn't mean Ubuntu isn't doing other things, it's only saying that that's all I've noticed it to do..


Firefox 131, btw.

To replicate this bug,

go to

tap-hold on one of the documents there,

download link..

Where is it?

It isn't in Downloads..

Firefox says it was downloaded successfully..

OK, so what happens if I Open it?

It opens!!

So, it's saving it to its cache,

& calling that "downloaded", or something??

It's bullying/wrong/abuse, is what it is.

BTW, it doesn't matter if I've tossed all my apps, then rebooted the tablet,

nor does it matter if I toss Firefox & on restarting it just try opening the document in a different private-tab ( open link in new private-tab ), then use the Download button in the top-left:

FF's still fucking me over for the documentation I'm trying to get.

It does seem to be a Heisenbug, intermittent & .. not obvious what the hell the key is, to make it predictable..

Last boot-session it had allowed me to get the Specs .pdf,

but then none of the Application Notes ( damn ALL of them ) appeared in the Downloads folder, when I checked..

Maybe it's seeing if the file has EVER been downloaded, or tried-to-download, & if so, it's vetoing my getting my hands on it?

( if anybody cares:

the Nucleo-64 boards that "Bare Metal C", a NoStarch Press book, works with, apparently include the Nucleo-F091RC board, which may be more powerful than the board that "Bare Metal C" was written for.

I can't remember the details, but this particular board should be compatible, and have more memory, at least.

This microcontroller is the one on the Nucleo-F091RC board.

That is why I want to be reading the Reference Manual & the Programmer's Manual, & all the Application Notes for it..

Someday I'll be able to afford the hardware, too.. : )

PS: If this community wants my bug-report deleted from here,

( & obviously Mozilla removed their bug-reporting feature from Firefox/Android, to eradicate bug-reports from Android FF users )

then remove this, & that's fine.

I've no problem with either way:

world wants it gone,

XOR world permits the bug-report to exist.

_ /\ _


Maybe other people don't get the results I'm seeing, but it makes that page unusable in ff.

Brave has no problem rendering the page, though.

Anyways, since it seems to be a bug in ff, and I've learned that ff doesn't want any feedback from mobile-devices people, the bug report can be here,

or be deleted to not be fixed,

or whatever: I don't care, anymore.

Integrity requires that it be noted, but..


Also includes the "DevOps for the Desparate", "Linux Firewalls: Attack Detection and Response with iptables, psad, & fwsnort", "The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition", "Absolute OpenBSD", "The Book of PF" ( I think that's for the BSD's ), "Designing Secure Software", "Practical ulnerability Management", "Eloquent JavaScript 3rd Edition", "The Practice of Network Security Monitoring", etc...

IF you can't afford the Safari subscription, which I presume would include all of these,

AND you want thorough competence in the fundamentals

THEN you really probably want to know some of these ones.

I'd require the current edition of "How Linux Works" as the bedrock understanding of anyone who wanted to be working SysAdmin or DevOps, anywhere, any time.

This entire bundle is the same price as "How Linux Works" alone is, in my local ebook platform.

Our ignorance costs us, right?

We can reduce the price it makes us, and our world, pay, through more competent knowing of our fundamentals:

don't allow mistakes, or faulty-process, or malicious-actors, any leverage, you know?

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen!

_ /\ _


( I've just been treated by the Logitech chatbot as a complete incompetent moron, and it won't let me file a bug-report with them, unless I open them to even more such abuse, through email, so fsck 'em.

YOU get to see the bug-report, but if Logitech never sees it, that's their problem.

I want suckers who bought this expensive keyboard knowing what it's doing, however, and that requires the correct description be findable on the 'web. )

Sometimes after bluetooth powerdown, or switching either the tablet or keyboard off, it becomes impossible to reconnect to the tablet..

The device-button which is supposed to be connecting the keyboard to the tablet, can't..

Accidentally, I discovered that it had .. reconnected to my phone, while failing to reconnect to my tablet, but the device-button for my tablet was the one lit-up..

So, either

  • the phone & tablet are confused, and are scrambling-up their identities, re bluetooth pairing, so that the phone's using the tablet-credentials to connect, and the tablet then can't connect to the keyboard, XOR

  • the keyboard's confused, and is using its device-1 memory-stored-settings for device-2

I don't know which is the case, and have unpaired it from my phone, completely, but this bullshit is still happening.

I've had to re-pair the damn thing to my tablet about 2 dozen times in the last month, and it's fscking annoying.

IF you're encountering problems with your Logitech K780 wireless keyboard fucking up,

open up your other devices, and get apps up you can type into, to see if the damn keyboard is pretending that it's trying to pair to the proper device, but it has already paired with another of your devices

Nothing on

is correctly describing this effect.

Let the world know the truth, in spite of Logitech's blocking of the correct information.

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