
joined 6 months ago
[–] [email protected] 42 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The next step is for Biden's ear to be grafted into Trump, allowing Biden to take control of his body.

"Aaarghhh get out of my mind, Biden!"

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Ah neat! The first Splitgate was fun and I put a fair few hours into it. It felt like it had been abandoned by the devs after a while though (and cross progression wasn't possible, which put me off playing it after I got a Steam Deck). I'm interested to see what they do with a bigger budget.


I'm not sure how useful this'll be to people, but on the off-chance that like me, you like to track your pages read daily (into something like Storygraph or Goodreads) and you happen to have an ereader, I've created a spreadsheet that may be useful.

Essentially I found that tracking pages when you're reading a book on an ereader is a little tricky because the number of pages will differ depending on the size of your device and the font size. You can use percentage instead, but:

  1. My Kobo seems to calculate percentage based on number of words rather than pages
  2. Sometimes with really large books, you can read a ton of pages and the percentage won't have changed

So I created a spreadsheet that can work out the equivalent page count on Storygraph (although this can work for any book tracking site).

I think you should be able to save a copy of the spreadsheet from that link.

I've also added in padding. So for example if the actual text of the book starts on page 6, enter 6 in the padding start field. And then the final page number of the text in padding end. This prevents inflation of number of pages read at the start and end of your tracking (because of all the copywrite info, credits etc.)

Like I say, this probably would only be useful to a select few, but thought I'd share it just in case :)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

I'm not sure if this is the best recommendation looking at your criteria, but Slime Rancher (1 and 2) are chilled games that have beautiful and colourful visuals. To me it feels like a summer vacation - one where you're staying at a farm and catching adorable slimes.

Another recommendation I'd have is Tearaway unfolded. It's a super charming adventure in a papercraft work. It really stuck with me and felt like an adventure. It's only on PS4/5 as far as I'm aware though, but if you happen to have one of those I guess you could cast it to your Steam Deck using Chiaki. Or on the off-chance that you have a PS Vita, the original version of the game was on there.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

Amazing game, but I'm not sure I'd describe the gameplay as chill!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

It appears that the squirrel on the right is not only smoking in the sense of having a cigarette, but he is also on fire.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I agree that nationalism is extremely dangerous. But I feel like a flag isn't 'owned' by a nation, it can be an abstract concept that represents different things depending on the context. I get the feeling that the users that drew flags for this Canvas do not think their respective governments are perfect, or happily bow down to the rich. It's more complex than that.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Because the pirates are the fans who actually care about the game I suppose.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (7 children)

I'm not quite sure I follow your reasoning here. You're saying that people shouldn't be proud of things that they have no control over? As a gay guy, should I not be able to put up a pride flag?

There's a ton of symbolism/meaning there, and doesn't always mean blind devotion to a country.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I think the templates should be limited in size perhaps - if you look at the intended template location post from the other day, yes the Australian flag is significantly larger than the other submissions. However on the final canvas, people have drawn within the blue space of the flag which is actually quite cute. I don't think 'defacing' is necessary, but rather a continuation of (at least what appears to me to be) a symbiosis where overlapping images work together.

So I guess I'd like to see drawing accepted on top of any large continuous blocks of colour.

P.s. I love what Canada did - the outline on top of the flag looks really cool!

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago

That water is incredible! Catching all the diffraction and distortion like that is so impressive.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 week ago (2 children)

On one hand, I can kinda understand - translation would be costly for a game that is unlikely to attract new subscriptions.

On the other hand, fans have already translated it - so you're better off emulating the game lol.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I do actually! Glad to hear it runs well - I'll try it out soon :3


Things have sort of come full circle for me. When I was younger, I recall playing a copy of Super Mario Bros 3 on Game Boy Advance and never being able to complete it (in fairness I eventually got to the final world). This was the case for a lot of games for me; essentially they’d have infinite replayability.

As I got a bit older I was exposed to more games with linear single player campaigns. Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 spring to mind. At the time, I couldn’t afford to buy that many games so I’d find myself doing a mission here and there, and focusing most of my attention on the multiplayer. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to play the campaigns, but rather than I felt like I needed to savour them. Sure, I could just blast through it in the space of a weekend - but then it would feel like I’ve blown all that money on something short-lived.

This mindset stuck with me as single player games became longer and longer. GTA IV, Red Dead and Skyrim for example took me months to get through, as I’d just play the occasional mission as a treat.

But nowadays I don’t have as much spare time as I once did. And it feels like the number of games in my backlog is growing each day.

I actually replayed GTA IV and its DLCs last year, and really enjoyed the experience. But only recently did I work out why it was more enjoyable than my first playthrough all those years ago – and I think it’s because I didn’t eke out the missions. The story felt a lot more coherent because it was fresh in my mind. The characters that appeared at the start of the game no longer elicit that ‘wait who were they?’ response when they turn up in the second act. And I was able to better understand the ways in which the three stories cleverly intertwined.

Recently I got the gamepass-style subscription on Playstation (‘PS Plus Extra’) which includes a bunch of older games I’ve been meaning to get through. And the fact that there’s an artificial time limit to playing them (i.e. I don’t want to pay for this tier of subscription any longer than I need to) has helped me to avoid wasting time.

Just to be clear, I’m not advocating for speedrunning single player games and missing all the side content. On the contrary, I’ve just platinumed Ratchet and Clank: RA, but did so in half the time than it would have taken me before. Previously I might have thought ‘I’ll just do the one mission’, and this was often an excuse to get distracted by crap on my phone for the subsequent 30 minutes. I feel like I now have a reason to focus for games for a little longer instead of wasting time. And as a result, I’ve enjoyed my time with them so much more recently.

So perhaps if you’re struggling with your backlog, try to set yourself a realistic time limit for each game. And don’t treat games like a treat – if you have the time, play them now!


I always got the feeling that this game was seen as a classic. I never owned a Gamecube growing up, but I'm pretty sure I remember my friend having one and playing Sunshine a bit (although he was way more into Zelda and Smash).

Eventually I got round to playing Sunshine the other year when Nintendo released a triple pack on Switch. It was fun! I loved the aesthetic and interesting water spraying mechanics. However the other day I had a friend round and we were emulating the game, taking turns to beat levels. It struck us how frustrating the game was at points - especially those platforming levels in which you lose the FLUDD. You really notice how slippy and floaty Mario feels in this. In Mario 64 and Galaxy, the movement felt so precise in comparison and you knew exactly how the character would react to your inputs.

The levels too seem quite harsh at points. The Ricco Harbor level which introduces the rocket nozzle has frustratingly narrow platforms with constantly spawning wind enemies. My attempts to get back up to the top after falling off felt like cheating - i.e. lining up the rocket to land on different ledges rather than going all the way around the map again. I couldn't tell if that was what the developers intended.

Overall I do really love the game, but it feels like an awkward transition in the 3D Mario series. As if Nintendo were trying to innovate with new mechanics before they'd perfected the basic 3D platforming. Is it just me, or do others feel the same?


So, say I get a set of chromosomes from my Mum which contains the X chromosome and the same from my Dad, but with the Y chromosome. I now have two sets of the same 22 chromosomes, plus an X and a Y.

For chromosome number one for example, is everything from my Dad's side activated? My Mum's? Or is is a random selection of genes within each chromosome?

And does the X chromosome do anything for me, or is it turned off, and only used if I pass it on to the next generation?

Follow up question: I believe that women actually recombine their X chromosomes when passing these on, but men can't recombine X and Y. So everything on your Dad's side stays the same. Does this have any impact? For example are you more likely to inherit genetic defects from your Dad's side?


I was watching a video the other day that mentioned the cassava plant, and how it's a staple food in many parts of the world. I may have had it once or twice, but for some people it's something they eat every day. This got me thinking - how many things do I assume that everyone else in the world must come in contact with and take for granted, because they're so ubiquitous in my life? It's very easy to take a self-centred view, and particularly when you assume that we live in a totally globalised world. But the experience of life for someone elsewhere may be completely different.

One silly example, in the UK nearly every house would have an electric kettle for brewing hot drinks. But a lot of countries don't.

What items, food, clothing, buildings do you have that other people may never come across in their lives?


I've been trying to get my head around this and I've watched a few videos but they don't seem to specifically answer my question.

According to what I've found online, messages encrypted with a public key can only be decrypted with a private key. But in practice, how is that possible?

Surely a public key contains a set of instructions, and anyone could just run those instructions in reverse to decrypt a message? If everything you need to encrypt a message is stored within a public key, then how is it a one-way process?

It's likely that I'm misunderstanding a core element of this!


From what I understand, a lot of knowledge was lost following the collapse of the Roman Empire as manuscripts were no longer being copied at the established frequency and information that had lost relevance (for certain jobs etc.) wasn't being passed down.

If a catastrophic event were to happen nowadays, how much information would we theoretically lose? Is the knowledge of the world, stored digitally or on printed books, safer than it was before?

All the information online for example - does that have a greater chance of surviving millennia than say a preserved manuscript?


I saw a map of undersea internet cables the other day and it's crazy how many branches there are. It got me wondering - if I'm (based in the UK) playing an online game from someone in Japan for example, how is the route worked out? Does my ISP know that to get to place X, the data has to be routed via cable 1, cable 2 etc. but to get to place Z it needs to go via cable 3, 4?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Over the last few days I've had issues connecting my SN30 controller. It seems to connect (the paired light is on on the controller, and Steam recognises it) but none of the inputs are recognised.

Weirdly enough this only seems to be the case whilst it's docked. Undocked, the Deck lets me use it as normal. I've tried both the Xbox and Switch pairing modes on the controller, with the same result.

I just tried pairing a regular Pro controller and it worked perfectly. So the issue seems to specifically be with the SN30. Has anyone else had issues, or do you have any suggestions to fix this?

*Edit: Updating the controller firmware has fixed this it seems! Over the last few days it has connected to my Steam Deck straight away, and also now seems to know when the Deck has been turned off which is cool, and subsequently turns itself off. I'm using the Xbox connection method.


Mirror's Edge - This is a game I've been meaning to play for some time. A few years back I played the first couple of levels on a friend's PS3 and recalled it being a fun experience. So when it went on sale for under £2 on Steam I couldn't say no. It holds up exceptionally well for a game from 2008! The stylised graphics look beautiful to this day, and the gameplay manages to feel fresh and unique. Parkouring around the landscape soon becomes second nature - you feel like such a badass by the end of the game.

Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Sadly I missed out on the original games, but this trilogy does a perfect job of remastering them for the modern era. The animations and art style are incredible; It really feels like a lot of love has gone into this remaster. All three games are a joy to play. The first one is a classic - basic but fun, the second tries out some new ideas, and the third one perfects them. Each instalment is fairly short, so packaging them in a trilogy was a great idea.

RealMyst - Myst is regarded as one of the original, archetypal PC puzzle games and was very clearly ahead of its time. I think it's the sort of game I would've appreciated a lot more if I'd played it 20 years ago (although there's no way I could've beat it back then). Some of the logic jumps in the puzzles felt tenuous at best, though others were very cleverly designed. This was a frustrating game at times and I was pleased to get it over with, but I did enjoy the interesting world-building and innovation for its time.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - Symphony of the Night is the only Castlevania game I've completed*, partially because it's a bit easier than the others and partially because the music and graphics are so great that I wanted to see it through. Bloodstained continues this legacy and does an amazing job of it. Although graphically it's no where near as nice as the pixel art of SotN, I still found the graphics to be quite charming. The soundtrack is amazing, gameplay is smooth (with a lot of customisation in terms of equipment and spells) and exploring the castle is a treat. As with SotN, in order to beat the true final boss you have to find some items that would be near impossible to locate without a guide. Despite that, this is well worth playing.

*Mostly completed

Skyward Sword - Although I owed a Wii, I never picked up Skyward Sword. I think you had to buy an attachment for the Wiimote, and either way I wasn't a massive Zelda fan at the time. Since then I've played nearly every Zelda game and loved them all. So it was about time I got round to playing SS. Luckily a few years back they announced a Switch remaster which removed a lot of the clunky features from the original. Woo! I picked up a cheap copy and played though it late last year - And wow, this game exceeded my expectations. The dungeons in particular are some of the best I've played in a Zelda game (the time manipulation ones in particular stand out). Slashing around in specific directions is a neat mechanic, with the added benefit of now being able to do so by flicking a joystick. Surprisingly lengthy with a lot of great ideas! Give this one a go.

Spiderman (2018) - Not sure how I missed this one when it came out! I guess I've never really got into the Spiderman series. After watching the Spider-verse films though I decided to give this a try. And now I can't wait to play the sequels! Insomniac did a incredible job making web swinging around the city feel fun. There's plenty of side content littered over the map, which often side-tracked me on my way to a mission. The combat feels very similar to the Batman Arkham games, with lots of moves and tools to unlock. Whilst the story isn't anything special, it kept me entertained and I was particular impressed by the facial capture and voice acting. All in all, this was a incredible experience throughout.

Would be interested to hear what everyone else thought of these games! I've still got quite a large backlog so I'll continue onto the next ones :)

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