but the kids dont want to eat healthy food, and yummy healthy food is expensive.
nobody gonna pick these pockets
you can stick a tiny american flag in your lil belly button and float on by.
note that the car chase scenes in the French Connection weren't on closed sets. they were filmed in public traffic. real accidents with real civilians are in the movie. that could never be done today for liability.
the term 'breeder' used to be a derogatory term for straight people.
thats not nearly enough to save the stock.
FYI i switched from blue apron to hello fresh and am happier. shop around even if an ad convinces you to try something.
i agree that society constructed gender roles are convenient and comfortable for the intellectually lazy. my point is that its unnecessary and causes much suffering. the 8+ billion humans will still find a way to make children, no matter which bathrooms you force people to use.
transcend gender. be a human first. labels are for jars.
good times make for weak men.
time to bump Love Missile F1-11