The Jims are such fucking beauties
See, I'm a chemist, but I also believe in the power and importance of organized labor, so I still read that as unionized.
Plus, I think most chemists would say "neutral" or use protonated/deprotonated rather than un-ionized
I thought for sure this was an Onion article
Another fun fact: this song is based on a centuries-old folk song called The Maid Freed from the Gallows that has been sung in one form or another by everyone from Lead Belly to Bob Dylan to Led Zeppelin
Well, kinda. There's evidence of pretty much all of Lead Belly's best known songs being common folk songs sung throughout the Mississippi Delta, but Lead Belly has the first recorded version of them.
Alternative vampiric selections considered include:
I Suck (Blood) by Every Time I Die
Everyone I Know Has Fangs by He Is Legend
Yeah, I put mine in 8.5 years ago, and with a large dog, 2 cats, and 3 kids, it's held up remarkably well. The only problem I've run into is some of the tongue-in-groove connections have pulled apart over time creating small (maybe 1/4") gaps, but the planks themselves have been great. And frankly, that is probably a combination of installation error (by me) and us living in a pretty harsh environment with a huge number of freeze-thaw cycles and lots of snow every year (with a shitty insulation job in our crawlspace).
Is that treated/engineered bamboo laminate flooring? I think I have the exact same stuff from Home Depot.
That's a great connection! Next time, you can post a link in !connectasong and keep the game going. Just make sure to sort by "New" to make sure you're connecting to the most recent post. Welcome to the community!
Not to mention that for large-busted women, it's even more uncomfortable to go without any support. My partner hates bras but is always wearing one (even in the privacy of our home) because otherwise her boobs get sore.
As a teenager in the early 2000's, the options for finding new music were few and far between. Corporate radio, finding offbeat ad songs, and my friend's broadband Internet connection with Napster were pretty much the only way of expanding outside of my immediate circle of friends.
Plus, they are amazing as mixers, so you can always make them alcoholic