Downdate - The practice of dating someone that is a number lower then you. Carly is a 10 dating a 7. Carly is downdating.
And on 1 transistor there are 3 pins. When you put 1 and 3 together you get 13. Coincidence?! I think not!
Wish we would stop adding lanes already. The 401 is a complete mess as it is already in design and interchanges.
Get all trucks to stay in the right lane, and make highway layouts more efficient by not having that right lane disappear into a offramp. Also remove trucks off the express sections altogether. Resever the express to light vehicles. Add surcharges to delivery and trucking companies exceeding certain vehicle sizes. Add surcharge zones for car traffic in downtown neighbourhoohs.
Stop expanding suburbs and instead add density to cities and towns. Add alternative transportation such as trains, subways, trams, buses, cycaling infrastructure, pedestrian sidewalls and trails. Convert office spaces to lofts and apartments, allow low rise 4-5 story mixed use developments on existing parcels with point access stairwells.
Add reasons for families to stay in cities, make it affordable compared to a suburban single family home so they can live where they may work as opposed to comuting into the city by car.
Any chance Jellyfin and Finamp have a music playlist and mix building feature?
Plex has this with Plexamp but I have not had a chance to look into jellyfin to see if a plugin offers something similar.
I hate building playlists, Plex offers a few different options like sonic sage, sonic adventure, artist mix builder, and automatic mixes based on past listening history.
Part of a full and complete dinner - Kellogg's CEO
The more alternative transportation options we provide in our cities and towns frees up that space for the remaining vehicular traffic.
I have no idea why a large part of motorists does not see this concept. Instead they seem to fight against it in their own best interests.
If you commute to work in a car and there are another 100+ road users with you all headed in the exact same direction, would you prefer them all to be in individual cars? Or would you prefer a few of those people take the tram, a few take a bus, a few hop on the subway, a few cycle, and the remaining few who can walk?
I think your statment here is actual in reverse of what you may want to point out.
An increase in rent shows a induced demand for the property. More people are wanting to live in this location, thus the rents have gone up because of this demand. The rent did not go up because of the cost of installing those trees, but because the trees are there.
Similarly homes located near public parks, schools, hospitals, or transit may have a higher price tag because more people want said properties.
I love how in the article they call Yonge Street and Blood Street an arterial Road
Streets are for people that live along them, they are meant as "destinations". They are meant to be traffic calmed as they are used more then just by vehicular traffic.
Roads are for moving motorised vehicles, they dont act as a "destination", they dont serve the "local area" but are meant as a way to get you from one side of town to the other generally at high speeds (50~70kmh) with very little stops or driveways. Its not called "road parking" for a reason.
The trouble really is roadway classifications in North America. Traffic engineers need to stop designing every roadway as a "Strode". Strodes act as neither a good street, or a good road.
Proper bike lanes with traffic calming is exactly what city streets need, and its a huge plus for the local residents and businesses. It transforms a highspeed "dead" road into a lively and inviting destination.
Final thought, the only well designed Road that I have seen in the GTA is a very small section of Allen Road.
If we did want to get our cities vehicle traffic moving, then this small section or Road connecting to a Street is a good example of this in practice.
I would really like to get a critical mass group going in toronto so we can bike all the major streets in Toronto in groups of hundreds or more.
Definitely remember this one as well.
Honesty I have no idea how all his ideas are 100% in the complete opposite direction.
Ford yet again seems to be the center of some questionable decisions that favour big corporations as opposed to the people of Ontario.
Some items include:
Trying to change zoning on protected green belt land to allow developers to build single family home subdivisions. The land was purchased by developers in anticipation to the change in zoning.
Releasing a liquor map to help individuals find alcohol, while a liquor stike was happening (somewhat a slap in the face for union workers TBH). This coincided with his push to get liquor into convince stores and corner stores while at the same time breaking a contract that would have expired in two years costing tax payers millions.
Killing a proposed recycling programs that would benefit the people of Ontario by making stores responsible to accept back recyclable materials. This program was ment to shift the cost of recycling from tax payers to corporations and business in a effort to push them to limit the amount of packaging used for products. The program was to function very similar to the Ontario Beer Store that takes back cans and glass bottles. (Unfortunately the future of the beer store recycling program is also up in the air)
Potential covering up of the completion schedule for new transite lines that were scheduled to be completed 2020.
The sudden shutdown of the Ontario Science Center due to a structural report stating a small section of roof might collapse within one of the buildings. The report presented no immediate danger but press conferences and Ford himself called the building a death trap. Many schools roofs in Ontario were built in the same way and are nearing end of life, no action or plan has been put forward.
The Ontario Place being leased and redeveloped into a luxury spa. This also coincided with the Ontario Science Center being moved to Ontario Place. The reasoning for this is that the Ford Government is contractually obligated to build a mega parking garage for the luxury spa. To justify the building of the garage it is to be shared between the new location for the Ontario Science Center and the Spa.
Got to love that double D