
joined 1 year ago
[–] Mpatch 33 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Goose held its own. Eagle gave up and fucked of after 20 min of trying

[–] Mpatch 1 points 1 week ago

Yes, in that case yes. But in current global situations.

[–] Mpatch 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

It's war, and when you are being invaded by greedy bastards. There are no war crimes.

[–] Mpatch 3 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah, actually a really good movie. Had a good time watching it.

[–] Mpatch 1 points 2 weeks ago

The information is the same... I imagine the same image in my head in an audio book as I do in the real book. Your comparison is trash. But on the bathroom note I guess, a book is like toilet paper, takes time have to double check each wipe, fold it over. It gets done eventually. An audio book is like a bidet. Fast, clean, effective. Both get your ass clean.

[–] Mpatch 14 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I absolutely loved my passport. It was smooth, and it was a pleasure to use. the keyboard was amazing. At the time with bb10 os, it could do things android and apple could only dream of. Too bad they shit the bed with damn antenna desoldering it's self.

[–] Mpatch 4 points 3 weeks ago

Easy. A firm plastic bristles brush upholstery cleaner or just some tide and water oxy clean type works best. Spray spot let soak. Scrub the spot. Use vacuum to suck up the liquid. Repeat a couple of times until stain is gone.

[–] Mpatch 12 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Volcanic ash and beet juice. It's such common sense that regular salt is fucking everything up. You telling me that you gona blast salt on a 6 lane highway for 300 km and expect it not fuck up the local water way from the drain run off?

[–] Mpatch 13 points 3 weeks ago

Huh so that's where those morons from jersey shore went.

[–] Mpatch 2 points 1 month ago

Lol heinz had to build a new plant in Canada to try to recover after their lemington disaster. And still they are struggling to return back sales numbers.

[–] Mpatch 5 points 1 month ago
[–] Mpatch 1 points 1 month ago

Guess that's one way to get kids outside these days. Just scater some porn mag pages in the woods, modern-day scavenger hunt.


It's been there for months now. It happend shortly after I painted the walls. I'm jot going to fix it because why. Kids will slam the door again anyways. Rather a hole in the wall than having to replace hinges or a door.


Need some help with overcoming the initial hurdles of a learnjng curve. I'm in a fake it till I make it type situation right now. We acquired most of the equipment that a machine/fab shop would have and most of them, there is plenty of information online to learn from. Except for the horizontal boring mill, and I am struggling. The tooling all needs to be made up for it. Nothing I can purchase direct. The spindle is a MT6. My supplier can only get me reducers to MT5. And setting up parts is quite time consuming.

Any advice or know how on being able to turn a profit on this machine would be appreciated.

The machine is a TOS W100 in mostly good working order. Apart from the boring head dropping 0.020" if I cut in reverse travel after forward travel cutting.


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