Yeah having the same issue. Not the worst thing but would be nice if it didn't do this.
While I'm not a fan of many of these things, it locked behind a one time fee is better than these subscription models many are coming out with.
That is always my first thought when this topic comes up. Often not just with Japan. It is a problem in many countries.
These changes are what may have me play Sorc next instead of Rogue after my Druid. I love chain lightning.
Oh wow. I was familiar with the prison planet one, but that saturn one is new to me. And wow was I missing out on some crazy.
I'm very wordy. Not very often that is appreciated! Thanks!
And yeah we'll see just how much things are improved but at least positive changes to make me want to try it. Where by level 50 with my previous Sorc I was done. Just wasn't fun. Was an ice shards build.
Late to a response, but I agree. Getting the main aspect so early would have made elevating eith it great. Instead I had some learning curve with it by switching at level 50. It is fun. Less tanky than Pulverize was. Some of that may be some of the overall nerfs the game got though. But you end up with everything in your face since you want to pull everything towards you with your ultimate. Just timing is probably an issue for me as I said I'm not skilled.
But the build is fun and worth playing.
Got a Druid to 100 before the season and a Rogue into the 70's with Barb and Sorc to 50. Barely played Necro as it has never been my type of class though played them all in D3.
I enjoy the Druid and Rogue the most and probably lean to the Druid because I like being a bit tanky since I'm not really that skilled. I have tried three different Druid builds overall and they have all been fun in their own way. I feel like the Rogue is similar as far as the build variety.
My season Druid is in the 70's. With the Aug 8th patch I may want to play Sorc as I always enjoy chain lightning type builds and that is getting some positive changes that may be worth trying. Originally planned to go with a Rogue next.
Anyway, I started the season with Lightning Storm after Pulverize before the season. I then at level 50 switched to the seasonal poison creeper landslide build. I should have just started with it since it is just a seasonal build. Plan is to get it to 100 and then start another class.
I think in future seasons I may focus on builds for classes that are only for the season or appear to be. But if I had to choose so far I really enjoy Druid the most with the Rogue a close second. Hoping the changes to Sorc and Barb elevate them as well.
Getting a Kindle kept me able to read. While I would probably still prefer physical books in many ways, I have trouble with my hands and holding onto books for any length of time became difficult and my reading slowed to almost nothing before I tried out reading on a tablet my mom had at the time. I preferred a dedicated thing to read on though and have had several Kindles since then and I'm able to read more like how I used to.
Plus as already mentioned I love havingmy entire library at my finger tips with no worry about storage.
Also because of sales I noticed I find myself able to give up on books that aren't really working for me, where before I felt like I had to complete every book. Which just became a chore.
I did used to listen to them back when I often had a long commute. I have a harder time focusing on them if I'm not driving though. But that may be a better way to get into some books that aren't working for me. Especially if the narrator is particularly good.
Worked at a place that had a similar system. We had a woman from another department that got stuck with ElMoron. It was always a highlight when she would come to our area and my co-worker would make a big deal of welcoming her as that. She took it well.
Did the dev give a reason for that? Just curious.