
joined 1 year ago
[–] Luvs2Spuj 5 points 6 days ago

Going to be a stressful second half of the season for Checo.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I would ask your colleagues this question, as they can offer the best advice your exact situation. If an entry new starter came to me with that mindset I would appreciate it.

Sorry if that doesn't really answer the question. What do you already know? That would help offer something at the right level, but my advice is to try learn from the work and people you work with as above.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 1 points 1 week ago

This is all Max's fault.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 21 points 1 week ago (1 children)

There are too many stupid people who believe everything he says. More milkshakes please.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 5 points 1 week ago

But inaction, conspiracy and stupidity would ensure a global spread like last time. (Take your pick for birdflu/November)

[–] Luvs2Spuj 15 points 1 week ago

The UK paid nurses extra with applause, what more could be done?

[–] Luvs2Spuj 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I cannot tell you how strongly I want this concept to die.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Pro Tip: Don't be a cunt. Perhaps my wording was ambiguous, I am aware of the reason for the protest and the content of the article, my point is that the politicians have not commented on the reasons and deflected the topic to the protest itself.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 8 points 1 week ago (16 children)

Did any of them comment on the reason for the protest, or just the act itself? I don't want to see things like stonehenge or priceless art getting fucked up, but I am OK with more things being fucked up if that is what it takes... I'm fully expecting environmental extremism to become a thing in the next few years, as the situation will get worse and these sort of protests haven't achieved anything.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 5 points 1 week ago

Liz Truss worked so hard on opening up new pork markets in China. Now these tariffs threaten the EU. Brexit and her time in office is finally starting to makes sense!

[–] Luvs2Spuj 8 points 1 week ago

The expectation of people to have free or subsidised light to be able to see really is some magic money tree problem caused by labor and migrants.

[–] Luvs2Spuj 16 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Looks like there is even a sort of watermark/handle in the picture...

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