
joined 1 year ago
[–] Juvyn00b 1 points 1 day ago

I'm 6'2" and used one in my adult lifetime (ranger if I recall). At my age now I doubt I could do it again

[–] Juvyn00b 7 points 2 weeks ago

Quick! Drop an acorn on the roof of their car! Distraction success!

[–] Juvyn00b 6 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

It's obvious. You keep jeffing things up.

[–] Juvyn00b 3 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I get this as being a bit of a hurdle, but wouldn't a good option in hind sight be to create a separate work related apple account based on your work email? I've done that in the past with various companies for iPhones and MacBooks. Makes it cleaner to return the device and doesn't compromise my personal account should they ultimately need my credentials on the non-owned-by-me device.

[–] Juvyn00b 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I hate nipple play when sober. Bring on the alcohol and apparently I really get into it

[–] Juvyn00b 5 points 3 weeks ago

I run around with a group and when the guilty verdict was rendered, oh my - the amount that started digging in surprised me. It's a group that typically doesn't delve into it and I saw that as a big plus. Now I'm not so sure what to think other than just keep my mouth shut.

[–] Juvyn00b 1 points 3 weeks ago

I had a bosses' bosses' boss tell me (via my boss) that I had to work 8-5 and take an hour lunch. Told my boss at that time that I would no longer be available for lunch to do anything work related. Told him I worked over lunch to get into things quickly the first few months but I'll play the game. Started using the on site gym to the fullest.

[–] Juvyn00b 21 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

So do insurrectionists! What are the odds.

[–] Juvyn00b 2 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (2 children)

All the people in my development that had them up still have the signs from 2020 going strong... It's still pretty split from talking with neighbors. One person near me is in business selling heavy equipment and they're looking forward to trump because they feel they sell more equipment when republicans are in office. I guess that's a viewpoint.... For sure.

[–] Juvyn00b 1 points 4 weeks ago

That's depressing

[–] Juvyn00b 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I dig that solution for sure. I know I've seen others in the past only suggest the low voltage DC piece and not have the solution to run 100 foot or more in the wall - but essentially you could load up highly efficient power transformation as well as built in batteries for each device to request the power it needs.

Only real problem next would be the added cost. Not only for the edge devices (which may save money) but for the home transformation itself. 110vac outlets are around a buck or so; pretty hard to beat. My guess is that this would be something better served with early adopters and then attrition.

[–] Juvyn00b 1 points 1 month ago

Heh 😀 all good. I couldn't name any kickers either...


Just a few tips for installing on a Sophos SG135 (and perhaps others in the Sophos family?) using the serial build via usb

  1. Sophos device starts at 38400,n,8,1 as com settings. OPNsense switches to 115200 after bios. If you set your session to 115200 prior to OPNsense taking over, this causes PuTTY to not be able to input keyboard characters until you kill and re-open the session. Something happens in the transition on either serial interface to cause problems.

  2. Perform the auto detection of interfaces. For some reason I got screwed up on the interfaces and couldn't for the life of me get LAN to come up to configure the box. I believe this was twofold: one, the interfaces were all down when I configured them - and two, that caused them to go into a state to where even if 'ifconfig' showed active as I moved my cabling around, pings would not work (LAN). Once I redid the usb live and utilized the auto detection feature properly, no issues occurred.

Hope this helps someone who may run into similar issues.

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