Again, that's incorrect. Pounds (Lbs) are the US measurement for mass. Feel free to provide a source to the contrary. I specified pounds mass vs pounds force because in an engineering space, it's worthwhile to be specific, but the Pound (lb) is all that is specified in any documentation as the unit for mass in the US system.
That's incorrect. They are, in engineering contexts, referred to as pounds mass (lbm) or pounds force (lbf) respectively. The US Customary Unit for mass is the pound (lb) (aka pound mass, lbm)
It's just a pun. They're both units of mass, hence there would be mass confusion.
It doesn't work with the pun, but the more confusing part for people would probably be the fact that pounds are used for both mass and force, but in SI, the units are different (kilograms for mass vs newtons for force), though that doesn't really matter for most people.
I'm no expert, but with no ring of sharp shooting or boomerangs, I think sniper is the riskier choice. Warden is more generally reliable; I think most of the sniper talents don't work with darts (one works with tipped darts IIRC).
One of the few successful fan wikis that got away from fandom has been the Path of Exile community. I don't play the game anymore because it just got to be too much for me and demand too much time, but I really appreciate that they collectively got pissed enough at fandom that they made sure that took off.
Edit: even better, the developers (Grinding Gear Games) apparently agreed to take over hosting of the wiki about a year ago so that the community members that started it didn't have to deal with the financial burden. Definitely a good idea for them to take over hosting so there's no concern of the owners taking a valuable resource offline.
Or I realize that the message I start to reply to is hostile and not worth engaging with.
I wouldn't say 90% but it is significant. "Hurry up and wait" is a common phrase in the military - you don't exactly have much "free time" (where you could do as you please) but you do have a lot of time wasted because you have to be at this location at 5:30 so you can wait for an evolution at 6 that doesn't actually involve you doing anything until 7:30. So you just sit around waiting to do shit but can't go anywhere else. Poetry sounds like a better way to pass the time than what I did in those situations, which was usually nap or BS with the others waiting around.
The flaw in your argument is that Republicans will only misuse and abuse a legal argument if the Democrats use it first. Regardless of whether the 14th is invoked against Trump, the Republicans will attempt to do so in any case that they have the slightest chance of succeeding or when there is no chance, but can successfully be used as a distraction/manipulation of their base. The fact that conversations of the 14th are now occurring is already enough that Republicans will make use of it any chance they get. And you can be damned sure that they won't be the least bit concerned about "will the Democrats use this against us too?"
Chain of Command has to be mine. Patrick Stewart's performance through the torture is amazing and remains powerful every time you watch it.
Yeah, it's spelled secede. But we knew what you meant.
Seems to be working fine for me in Indiana. Looked at the Lemmy repo and could look through the repo. I didn't like try to push anything to a repo of my own though.
Stupid people.