Me too! I guess I was more expecting to see Red Shirts get blown up in bits and pieces and not them realizing their situation. To be honest I can't remember much of the real story / ending
Is there a comprehensive list that shows most common berries, fruits etc. categorized? Especially the "I wouldn't have guessed that" ones, like the ones in the comic. I could use that for a Pubquiz
Sci-fi in general is my favorite genre. From light hearted (The Martian), over more complex (Wool Triology) to really complex ones (Three body problem). I also like Star Wars novels, so I thought Red Shirts would be something for me.
And don't forget the Plumbus
It's so crazy to me how many people love that book. I'm one of the few who absolutely hate it. To me it was so boring and flat. Maybe I had too high expectations?
Super, danke für die Zusammenfassung!
Vielleicht skippe i ich mal durch die Kapitel
Nerds always run the whole operation 🤓
In other news: Ukraine geht vom Verschwinden Putins aus
Don't go. It's a failed state. And it will get worse in the future.
Nothing from Meta / Facebook is something you should be looking for.
In fact: turn 180° and look exactly in the opposite direction