Honestly the easier way to switch from solar DC to grid AC is to just have a flywheel between the grid and the solar power plant. It might not be as efficient as a capacitor bank or super capacitor bank but it's dead simple to implement and it's extremely reliable.
They probably looked a lot more like birds than reptiles too because taxonomically speaking birds are actually dinosaurs.
You know you can give them a fake name. I've known several people who had a go-to name for restaurant reservations or something because their last name was just too complicated or too common. No one's checking ID.
At least medically assisted death panels have licensed Doctors on them, and they're discussing at the patients request. They are not deciding who lives and who dies, just whether or not offering medically assisted death is appropriate for the patient requesting it. Instead of a broken AI just returning 'coverage denied' all day.
Do you know what you've done!? You've summoned him! He's like Beetlejuice, say three Marxist terms and he appears. Combie will be here soon.
While there are no laws that really stop an AI from doing whatever, there are already laws to stop someone from doing that. It might be difficult to find a corporation like UHC guilty of fraud when they use a faulty AI to refuse health care, it's pretty easy to go the other way and charge a person for using a corporation's AI in a way they did not intend.
A corporation causes a million deaths, no one bats an eye. Steal a million dollars from a corporation and everyone loses their fucking minds.
I'm sorry to say, but that's not necessarily true. It would need to be a police recording or record of someone threatening you for them to actually have to do anything. You could walk into a precinct with a bona fide video of someone making a serious threat to your life and the police typically won't do anything about it. That same person could make a clip about murdering you and post it online with a clear plan to kill you and the police still wouldn't have to act. All of that is hearsay, regardless of how serious the intent is and the police can choose to ignore it. Unless it's someone worth helping, someone who might be able to make a sizable donation.
One of the funniest programing bugs ever. Gandhi's code was meant to be the least aggressive AI in the game, but if something made Ghandi become even less aggressive it could overflow backwards and set his aggressiveness to max. This creating a Gandhi that wanted to always be at war.
Corporations are trying to set the precedent that they can not be held responsible for what their AI does. If it required an employee action to follow through then there's a point of liability. Zero oversight isn't a bug of AI, it's a feature. It puts more distance between the people at the top and any liability or consequences they might face.
'Why I could not have known this software was wrong 90% of the time, I'm not a computer scientist. It's beside the point that all those mistakes AI from the company we contracted were in our favor. Regardless that's in the past, the new generation of Artificial Intelligence will correct those mistakes and will detect 10% more fraud. It's wonderful that we finally have a tool to combat the rampant fraud and bad actors that has taken over this country.'
It really was a shock for me the first time as a contractor, when acustomer went from friendliest guy you've ever met to a slimy embarrassing excuse for a human. That was when I learned the hard way once money is on the table, and you have a stake in that pot, the whole game changes. Until then I thought I was a good judge of character, after that I learned that I just never really had anything worth taking.
Oh for sure, enough kindling has definitely been set down to start a new world war. Adding all the sparks people are making and it seems like history might repeat itself. The next world war might have even started as far as historians will be concerned. I just think that if full mobilization actually happens the prepers are as screwed as the rest of us. The only way to actually survive that with a fragment of our old ways in tact is to already be rich and powerful, should the worst happen.
Historically, food wasn't as abundant as it is today. Gluttony as a sin, at least with food, isn't the same today as it was 200 years ago. That's a ridiculous argument to make. If you really want to speak 'historically', it was advantageous for our hunter gatherer ancestors to exploit any opportunity for extra food because they never knew when the next meal would be. We're still hardwired for that, except food isn't rare anymore it's abundant for most people on the planet.
Besides, food addiction isn't the same as other additions, an alcoholic can obtain from drinking alcohol, an opioid addict can too, no one can stop eating food. Unlike other additions, someone who's obese because of their eating habits can't quit food. The thing their addicted to is in front of their face every day.