It's also due to very bad weather/floods in the second largest producer, Vietnam.
And since extreme weather events are increasing in intensity and frequency, it's not going to get better (as a trend at least).
It's also due to very bad weather/floods in the second largest producer, Vietnam.
And since extreme weather events are increasing in intensity and frequency, it's not going to get better (as a trend at least).
So Mexico still on the table?
holy shit international shipping is 50% of the book price (which is steep already). I wanted to support the guy but shipping is waaaay too much.
And boobs
Pretty sure it's still available on torrent 😄
Man I really appreciate commenting on this after all this time!
I didn't get it to work, but also had to park it for now. I'll join the chat for sure when I pick it up again.
Thanks! 🙂
This means YOU are the third couple of course /j
Final space was amazing, I was sad when it was cancelled
I had to scroll back in my saved posts to a million years ago to resurrect this.
I loved how the capibara was the wise guide!
Jus soli (birthright citizenship based on where you are born) is not that common to be fair. I don't think it's the standard in Europe for example. You have to reside (legally) in a country for a certain number of years AND pay taxes for them to be eligible to get citinzenship