[GM discussion][Shadowrun] Krampus in container district - do you have some cool idea for me?
- district built out of containers and neglected housing blocks. Container corridors, walls and floors, leaking pipes, gang laws
- in order to be shown the way to the secret lab in the heart of container district characters have to infiltrate, they need to do something for one of three local gangs. I want this to be a kind of Mexican standoff where they have to choose which faction to support
- Their arcs/previous deeds are making spirit of that city to "wake up". They will need its help and I need a way to point them to something like that existing
- Since we are going to play sometime soon, Krampus is a nice idea
- unrest in the city is making people start believing there has to exist some vengeful force of justice. Hence in container district a Krampus started to operate. It randomly appears to flail to death most naughty (adults). So far, mostly without credible witnesses nor survivors. Flees the scene on foot, but can cover impossible distances when not observed by anyone. I don't intend to fully define what this Krampus is
- few days ago a VTOL with shipment of MCT genetically un-modified chickens has been shot down and crashed somewhere in the disctrict. Everyone who knows how to get to the lab wants them
- Anarchist commune wants them as food source (un-modified means those don't require patented seeds)
- Wizgang wants them for signing their deals (un-modified means pure auras - mcguffin, just roll with it)
- small-fry Yakuza officer wants them to return them to MCT for clout (MCT is one of our campaign villains)
- not many chickens survived, they can't share
- there was a fourth faction in the area but it got wiped by Krampus. Only a BTL hard user has seen something, but is half terrified, half not completely awake
- Wizgang and Yakuza sent their forces to retrieve the cargo. No-one returned. Unknown to the groups, both parties were wiped by Krampus. But they of course blame each other and maybe even the commune too? Commune doesn't really have strike-force, but definitely has clout in the neighborhood
- Area around the VTOL has become a two-sided conflict zone (Wiz and Yak)
My idea is that whatever my players decide to do, they will in some way observe the Krampus. Mostly killing both sides of conflict. I want them to later start asking around what could that have been to get to some know-it-all saying "well, maybe it's the spirit of the city"
Do you see some flaws in this idea? Some cool idea came to your mind?
I think that having any kind of recognizable email is against the idea of privacy. So I would set up the following layering:
for most of shops, job applications, etc. If it leaks you can easily disable the account and/or rotate it on periodic basis to limit the cross-database matching (the privacy part)