Just posted in another thread about 800k people losing 2 billion because they bought Trump's meme coin. Turns out there's a whole lot of "find out" happening now.
As much as I don't want regular people to suffer, this is like hearing about someone who thought everyone who didn't drink bleach was stupid and they were going to prove something by downing it. At no point was that coin a good idea for anyone except the ones who got on early and guessed the right time to dump it, and that information was very freely available.
I'd say maybe losing a lot of their own money will finally teach people not to trust Trump, but a) we are so far past the point of trust based on logic and facts that I doubt it and b) it's too late anyways, they've already given him monarch levels of power and money. Plus Trump will probably blame the crash on malicious immigrants blatantly and black women slyly (DEI) and his base will lap it up.
I'm worried about that. I'm hearing a lot of people either giving into despair or openly discussing what I'll call "illegal opposition". I really like a lot of Americans and I don't want to see war and/or oppression hit. But I'm bracing for it, as I think a lot of nations are.
I agree with all you said. I just wanted to say as a Canadian that I still like a lot of Americans. I hate your political parties and many of the decisions they have made in my 44 years, but a lot of Americans do as well. Your country is being fucking savaged by your new leaders right now and I have no clue what the future holds. I do hope that our two nations can resume a relationship that has been one of the best/most productive in history once you folks have figured out how to deal with your presidents Musk and Trump.
Threaten this, finger-wag that, "concerned" legal expert opinions... As a Canadian looking in, your "opposition" leaders better start getting results quickly because Trump's administration is demolishing your country's organizations and checks/balances VERY quickly. If official opposition through established means doesn't deliver wins in the near future I'm worried about what happens when half your population loses faith in legal ways of resisting. I don't want to see either a civil war or an unchecked dictatorship a few hundred kilometers south of me.
Oh yeah buddy, big win for Trump there. This picture from this post is applicable:
Canada gave up nothing, we just reiterated our commitment to the exact same promises already made before Trump was even in power. The only thing this pointless, unnecessary chest-thumping accomplished was the world found out how quickly the USA betrays even it's closest ally. Trump traded in a lot of international goodwill in order to "win" something already agreed to before his presidency so he could brag about it to credulous people like you.
For people who claim to love the Founding Fathers, the current US government sure is speedrunning the death of the Father's vision of a nation free from religious control and without monarch levels of unchecked power.
Have you always felt tired or is this a new thing?
If you've always had trouble then you may have a chronotype that is set to differ from your daily routine. Research suggests it's heavily influenced by genetics. Unfortunately I'm not sure what to do about it if that's the case since the world is designed to run on 9-to-5 with no regard for those that don't fit.
If it's new, then think back to when you weren't tired and what has changed since then. Changes in diet, sleep habits, weight, stress, stopping working out and more can all affect sleep quality.
Pentagon staff removed Milley's portrait because the brains of Trump's cabinet haven't developed enough to have object permanence. If they can't see the portrait they could very well forget his existence and Milley might be safe from this administration.
I would never finish a game 8 times longer than Witcher 3+exansions. I started once, got burned out and had to restart a year later to get to the end. Enjoyed it a lot but yeah. I don't need like 1600 hours of anything.
Why would either thank Ukraine for opposing their best buddy Putin?