
joined 11 months ago
[–] GrabtharsHammer 10 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (3 children)

I can't tell you what dude was trying to say, on account of not being a mind reader.

But each of them were jailed for acts against the states that imprisoned them (one espionage, one enemy combatant). That is the relevant point of comparability: treatment of a foreign enemy.

The pictures show the contrast in how those states treat their prisoners. One leaves their prisoner healthy, and the other leaves theirs starved.

The point couldn't be clearer.

[–] GrabtharsHammer 32 points 2 days ago

America First, you gotta do the truffle shuffle.

[–] GrabtharsHammer 2 points 5 days ago

Can more than one play?

[–] GrabtharsHammer 2 points 5 days ago (2 children)

What if you tire before it's done?

[–] GrabtharsHammer 31 points 1 week ago (4 children)
[–] GrabtharsHammer 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Nope, but I can wee wee

[–] GrabtharsHammer 28 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Or maybe it's a ploy to help factions friendly to Russia rise to power in countries that currently support Ukraine.

If an isolationist faction can pretend that Russia made a good faith bid to end the war, they can paint continued support of Ukraine as adventurism and a waste of money.

It doesn't have to be true. It just needs to be close enough to rhyme with the misgivings of folks that don't want to spend their tax dollars helping Ukraine fight.

[–] GrabtharsHammer 66 points 1 week ago (2 children)

You sound like a guy who knows which part of a warplane to reinforce.

[–] GrabtharsHammer 15 points 1 week ago
[–] GrabtharsHammer 15 points 1 week ago

What a savings.

[–] GrabtharsHammer 2 points 2 weeks ago

Where's the ketchup and mayo?

Dallas, TX visit (self.discgolf)
submitted 2 months ago by GrabtharsHammer to c/discgolf

Where is the best beginner spot? The must play course for the dedicated player?


It takes the Africa-inspired sound of the original and dials it up to 11. Highlights are "The great curve" and "Listening Wind", but it's all really good.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by GrabtharsHammer to c/math

September is here, and school is in session. If you need help with specific questions, consider visiting Ask Math is a community for getting help with specific, focused questions. We won’t do your homework for you, but we will do our best to get you unstuck.

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What other communities or resources belong in the About tab?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by GrabtharsHammer to c/connectasong

Doctor -> Ain’t there nothing I can take?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by GrabtharsHammer to c/math is a new community for questions with math homework and similar specific math problems. Come over and help more math folks grow!

Ask Math community (self.ask_math)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by GrabtharsHammer to c/ask_math

Welcome! This is a community for those that need help with math questions. The idea is for respondents to teach how to solve the problem, not to simply provide an answer. The Original Poster (OP) should aim to attain a real understanding that will lead to independent success in math going forward. Respondents should provide guidance and support to help OP complete the work and learning they need to grow in mathematics.

To get effective help:

Include the complete, exact statement of the problem. Paraphrasing or excerpting the problem can leave out important details.

Include a description of what you have tried, where you feel you are stuck, and ask specific questions about any part of the question you don’t quite understand.

If the problem is part of coursework, specify what course you are taking. If the problem is something you are tackling as part of independent study, provide a basic description of your level of education in math. This will help respondents provide answers that match your level of understanding.

To provide effective help:

Do not provide the answer outright. This doesn’t help the OP grow and learn for themselves.

Do not provide complete, step-by-step solutions. Again, this doesn’t help the OP learn to tackle future problems for themselves.

Do provide a hint about what sorts of questions OP should ask themselves, or suggest special cases or ideas they should consider as they work through the problem. This points out the important features or the problem, but lets OP make the connections for themselves. Learning happens when a student discovers the connections between ideas.

Do look for misunderstandings the OP might labor under, and clarify how those misunderstandings are blocking a solution.

Pitch your answers to meet OP’s stated mathematical level.

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