This isn't a child's bad behavior. It's a national problem. Rapists and racists don't get a pass and say "Oh well. We should expect better." They are the problem. They should be handled as a problem.
That's not defending racism, sexism or bigotry. Doesn't sound like it at all!
What?! You can eat the shampoo? No dog food for Victor tonight!
Because all of you sick fuckers don't even keep your kids home when they go to school. Then I gotta share a common space with the same people? Nah. I'm good. I vote by mail so I don't get exposed to your cooties.
Where is Mark Zuckerberg when you need something to "accidentally" get leaked after billions of dollars are spent.
Because she seems less like an asshole in a cheap suit?
He was friends with Alex Jones for years. He got the entertainment side of him without the crazy dangerous conspiracy theories. Just the normal ones. I don't hate Rogan. I just don't find him funny or entertaining anymore. But I also haven't listened to him in years. Maybe it's worse now.
You speak for all the idiots?
All of a sudden pregnancies around the United States have plummeted
Reminds me of a Van Gogh.
They don't believe him. They think he's just saying shit. Plus they do not care. They see him as a means to an end. They are already here and they want theirs.
Whatever makes them understand their behavior violates the social contract our society has written.