
joined 2 years ago
[–] GeneralVincent 1 points 7 months ago

Those poor dogs probably can't even afford buy beer ;~;

[–] GeneralVincent 6 points 7 months ago

Israel actions do support that. What else would happen if Israel completely erased Palestine in a few months? Do you think a single government would support them? The US would break ties overnight .

Genocide doesn't mean instant or even quick eradication. It can by systematic and slow. Calculated, walking a fine line so they can call it something else. It can even be eugenics, stopping future generations.

There are people in Israel who want to iradicate Palestine, and are very open about it. Some Israeli gov officials are saying similar things. Anyone in the government with half a brain isn't going to openly state they want to bomb a country out of existence. But we can look at the evidence and see that thie goal is to take that land for themselves and drive out the native population.

[–] GeneralVincent 1 points 7 months ago

Omg some of their videos are hilarious. Not for the reason they wanted it to be, but still. "Woke Jesus" for example.

Woke Jesus says to be saved, you have to be less white. Meanwhile, the person they have playing Woke Jesus is a white guy. They miss the point while demonstrating how to miss the point in the same video, unintentionally and ironically hilarious

[–] GeneralVincent 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Wait wait wait... She wants a tattoo, says "my body, my choice" (clearly referencing abortion rights) and he says "No, tattoos are permanent" ... You mean LIKE A BABY??? They must be pro abortion then right?? Because an underage kid can't do permanent things like have a baby unless their parents sign off on it according to this ~~shit~~ I mean skit.

Also 16-18 yrs old is when you make ALL the life altering decisions, like learning to drive, picking what college to go to, what career to pursue. I couldn't have a single conversation with an adult at that age without them asking what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

Anyways, I could go on but I'm preaching to the choir. This would definitely give the biggest hate boner to their right wing bigoted audience who wouldn't know what hypocrisy is if it contradicted itself in their face.

[–] GeneralVincent 3 points 7 months ago (4 children)

$10 a can! Even converted, that's $6.63 freedom dollars °•°

[–] GeneralVincent 4 points 7 months ago

Pretty sure OP isn't Republican, just radical left and dislikes anyone not as far left as they are. Ironic that it's hard to differentiate between far right and far left sometimes

[–] GeneralVincent 3 points 7 months ago

Of course it's pigeons. We all thought Nikola Tesla was crazy, but he was just ahead of his time with Pigeon Clusters too

[–] GeneralVincent 12 points 7 months ago (2 children)

"A comprehensive image management, tagging, and syncing system, all automated

Do you have a huge folder of anime images, with no hope of ever finding anything in it? Do you want to be able to access this folder across machines and on your phone? If so, you've come to the right place! With auto-tagging powered by DeepDanbooru, image organization bliss is one batch upload away. If you have multiple computers you use + a phone and want to access your image library everywhere, or are just a homelabber, the server is for you."

I don't have iPhone so can't confirm, but that's the app description

[–] GeneralVincent 5 points 7 months ago

When you turn your head to cough, the microplastics doctor checks em too

[–] GeneralVincent 4 points 7 months ago (2 children)

I want literally any evidence. You are clearly incapable of providing any to support your even most basic claim. I'm not arguing against meat, I'm arguing against ignorance and dishonesty. I had rotisserie chicken from Walmart for lunch. If you had provided any source for your claim, I would have read it fully and with an open mind. I'm not biased towards veganism, I wanted to know if the claims you are making have any basis in reality so I can make an informed decision. This is your third comment saying the same thing without evidence, and arguing like a child. I don't mean that to be derogatory either, if you're still in school or a child, that's fine. But I'm not interested in a discussion at that level.

You have shown repeatedly that you can't have an honest discussion and are close minded and conspiratorial. I'm not going to bother replying anymore, it's just getting obnoxious.

[–] GeneralVincent 2 points 7 months ago (4 children)

I'm not vegan, I eat meat. I ask for evidence because you're clearly biased and using emotionally charged and unscientific language when you dismiss the vegan diet. So I don't believe you have a real understanding of the science or potential nutritional complications.

Don't bother replying with "it's just common sense" reworded for a third time. If you can't provide evidence, that's fine, but you don't need to keep going on your dramatic crusade against something you don't understand in the comments. I'm not asking for your opinion.

[–] GeneralVincent 13 points 7 months ago

Yeah but dogs are actually capable of empathy

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