Probably windows, since it is optimized for spying.
Doesn’t work for me, but this may also be an option.
Go to and convert it to jpeg or png. Then it should work.
Ah yes, it also sings encoded messages to other birds, which in turn eventually leads to the Pentagon. This is why I install Linux on my local population, maybe you should do the same.
Does anyone else think it is ironic to buy a phone from one of the most unprivate companies in order to have a private experience?
“This is the way”
-Din Djarin
Oí! I want to get bok to me bok Choi!
-Frank the Tank
Good for you, you are no longer shackled to mass data collection, and walled garden social media. Welcome to the fediverse, please enjoy your stay.
Well I liked your inference, it is very coherent. It is probably the case.
I guess it kind of makes sense, however, wouldn’t it make more sense to just have these restrictions on just Enterprise versions? To have settings made for corporations in home/pro editions further shows Microsoft’s laziness. Thank you foksmash for your insight though, I am not familiar with a setting like yours.
So Windows detects one of the most secure browsers ever as a virus, yet ships with the most insecure spyware modern browser that it doesn’t let you delete? Something isn’t adding up here. What is it detecting anyway?
Does this also go for custom roms like GrapheneOS?