Perfect handfuls
joined 1 year ago
Then the people need to do something. They elected Putin. They tolerate Putin. This is their mess and they've done nothing to escape it.
Communism is just a red herring
Looks nice, but also very photoshopped
I was so disappointed in RA3. It was absolute shit
At the speed the DOJ moves, it will be 2032 before they even begin prosecuting
Electric boot polisher
Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!
We've had good luck with plugin traps using glue surfaces
She's pretty by Republican standards and just insane enough to sway the base.
It's only "our" wallets when the government collects fines and disperses it to politicians and billionaires.
A Pregnant Teenager Died After Trying to Get Care in Three Visits to Texas Emergency Rooms
For four hours, Christians in Georgia gathered to worship Trump. I was there.
Lobster-scorpion hybrid launcher!