
joined 2 years ago
[–] FarraigePlaisteach 5 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Is that feasible for someone with an office PC with integrated graphics? Asking for a friend.

[–] FarraigePlaisteach 2 points 2 weeks ago

I didn't know it supported audio, I should look into it again. Thanks!

[–] FarraigePlaisteach 2 points 2 weeks ago

Oh! I didn't know than Anki supported audio too. That might be all I need, in that case. Thank you!

[–] FarraigePlaisteach 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Yeah, basically an application that has spaced repetition but no content would work. It would need to track the users strengths and weaknesses and challenge them the right amount.

What I would ideally develop would allow people to install it locally so they can add their own copyrighted content without getting in trouble.

Practically that would mean slicing up mp3 files to make some kind of audio-based flash cards. Then text from the book would need to be copied and pasted in. Tedious, but worth it if you have quality resources.

[–] FarraigePlaisteach 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Thanks. I've used Anki in the past and might use it for the text part of the job. If I could attach audio files to the cards it would be almost perfect.

[–] FarraigePlaisteach 1 points 2 weeks ago

That's really interesting, thank you. It looks useful for intermediate to advanced learners. I'm at the stage of building up vocab and simple phrases. I have bookmarked it for future reference!

[–] FarraigePlaisteach 10 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Nothing on BBC according to my search:

The Guardian reported on it in July 2024

Politico.eu: Nothing

thejournal.ie December 2023 and January 2025

Huge omission on the part of the BBC and Politico. Anybody care to check some more news sources?

Apologies for the Google links.

[–] FarraigePlaisteach 1 points 2 weeks ago

If I understand you right, you're saying that you support making software like Lemmy accessible for users of all types. I agree completely.

A little unrelated, but "intelligence" is not a singular thing and nobody is "intelligent" or "not intelligent". Also, because we each have our own limitations, we're not really qualified to evaluate the abilities of another person since we tend to reference ourselves in doing so. IQ is now increasingly seen as not fit for purpose by academics and professionals of education. And all this without mentioning IQ's history is in the support of eugenics. So if the experts are abandoning the idea of IQ, we can do the same and stop beating each other over the heads with it. Then we can get on with focussing on accessibility, which as you say is where our priorities should be.

[–] FarraigePlaisteach 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The original / authentic shop is in Quay Street, Galway. https://claddaghring.ie

[–] FarraigePlaisteach 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I had this on CD and really enjoyed it. I've had the same question as yourself.

I always viewed the meditations you mention as cultivation exercises. While contemplating them, I've observed positive responses in my thoughts, feelings, nervous system etc. It's why I like them so much. So I just sit with it and allow that to be there. It reminds me of some restaurants and massage places that give you a hot, scented facecloth when you arrive for your face and hands. It's wonderfully refreshing.

So practically speaking (which is what you're asking), I think I'm just alternating in an unstructured way between the mantra, observing and enjoying the benefits I feel as well as periods of just breath meditation. Afterwards I tend to be loosely aware that I'm having a better day as a result of it. In a way it primes me to received the experiences of the day / night better.

[–] FarraigePlaisteach 1 points 2 weeks ago

There was a lot of scepticism at the time. We didn't think the pubs would obey or that the state could enforce it. But the next day it went of without a hitch, from what we could tell anyway.

[–] FarraigePlaisteach 1 points 2 weeks ago

The whole process was a massive time and energy drain in the end with no benefit. I don't think anyone with a life would pursue something like this any further. I trialled-and-errored my way to Lemmy.world while I was out of work. Otherwise I'd still be on Reddit.


After seeing the various Commodore keyboards in Alien: Romulus I'm wondering if these ones from Silo existed in the past too.


I've only found this on amazon.de and they have no stock. Doing a web search turns up nothing. It's like it never existed, but the listing on amazon.de says it was released on January 31st 2023. Can anyone help?

The authors (according to the listing) are Crewman Daniels, Rick Sternbach, Michael Okuda, Trevor Gleeson, Mike Smith, David Ultra, Susan McNichols. But it's independently published which makes no sense. Maybe it's a scam. Here's the Amazon link https://www.amazon.de/-/en/dp/B0BTKSP6QF/?coliid=I1TE4A8V7P0RQ3&colid=2P50FYXVDWCJ8&psc=0&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it

"I love to tour" (www.youtube.com)
New Directive (self.lv426)
submitted 2 months ago by FarraigePlaisteach to c/lv426

Spoiler from Alien Romulus


I want to post a meme of a movie that came out in the last few months, but it does contain a spoiler. I'd like to be able to mark it as such so people can decide by the title (the name of the movie) whether or not they want to reveal it.


The overhead of maintaining Wordpress was a bit too much for us, and the cost of hosting was high considering how quiet the website was.

To reduce complexity I want to set them up with a static site generator and have that export to GitLab. This will reduce cost and remove the hassle around security and of constantly logging in to update plugins etc.

But one issue I can't figure out is how they will get help when I'm not around. With something hosted completely on the server they could go to upwork.com and hire someone if the website had issues. When it's all local on their computer, how can someone from Upwork help them while maintaining the integrity of their local installation?


A local elderly man showed me this certificate which belonged to his mother and I had to take a picture. I'm sharing it with permission and the surname redacted. The design is quite beautiful and one of the things I miss about older Ireland, as well as the design of our slightly older currency.

Some backstory: This woman was treated horrifically by the church and had her child forcefully taken from her. Also, when she got this qualification she became one of the most proficient people in the local administration at her job but because she was a woman, she would never be promoted beyond the job she had at the time. Less capable men passed her by to become her boss.

This post originally was just to show the beautiful certificate but now I think the story is just as important. I'm glad that the vast majority of people in the country do not want to return to the dark ages.


Even for static sites, the client doesn't want to pay a dev to make a blog post for them so I usually set up Wordpress for them. It is a pain though. The constant updates and vulnerabilities are a fairly big undertaking if they're not used to it.

When the design and deployment is done, what system are you most confident handing over to your client to manage?

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