Big Laser Pistol for our energy weapons folks out there:
And America wins 💪😎🇵🇷🎆
The deutsch lost 2 gorbillion times 🤕🇲🇼🥉
You are authorized to destroy the brain. Preserve the eyeballs as they are valuable.
Agreed, to an extent. Like what we saw with Coke's AI commercial, companies are eager to do anything that will cut their costs while maintaining profits. If it can seemingly replace a salaried position, they'll do it just to lump that amount of annual grand into the profit pile multiplied by however many people they replace with a pile of code. Who knows how long it will take them to analyze and assess if the marketing/data-entry/creative quality dip is worth the ratio in boosted profit margins.
Which, dystopically and sadly, polarizes safe human work into either menial physical labor that codeshit cannot perform but is necessary to be done (janitorial, warehouses, logistics, maintenance, construction, bodily care, etc.) or license-authorized professional work gatekept by organized legislation, boards, and the obscenely rich (law, healthcare, academics, government, private research, etc.)
Unless a legal damper is placed on AI, we're in for a really, really dim future for diverse job field employment.
That spritework and map design is absolutely beautiful. It looks and feels like its own game!
You know what they say about people with big hearts!
Really nice view until the tide takes the whole house away in a few years
The Earth is still flat, it flips like a pancake to simulate the day/night cycle
Antarctica is just the slightly curved edge of the pancake which faces the sun more than the rest /s
The "he'll get sent off to die in the next war 3-4 years from now and leave me with a child to raise as a single mother and no reliable source of income aside from baseline support by family and neighbors if I'm lucky" look
This little bastard is the reason why I have to wake up at 5AM on weekdays!
Free Birdshot for the drones! Finally a humane use for the ammo type.
But delicious. I'll be glad once I can afford more protein in my diet on salary. Year'll come eventually.