
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] Evolith 1 points 20 hours ago

Literally had only one guy manager since I was working in high school. Had many jobs since then. It's always women in management because "girl boss!!" and they appeal to higher administration and HR. Another corporate method of demeaning men in workplace and fake news to back it up.

[–] Evolith 1 points 20 hours ago

Big ol' cascade effect. Even back in late 2015, they made an update to old-gen release consoles (PS3, 360) that prevented users from loading directly into Online upon booting up the game. If you chose that option; endless load loop and an eventual crash. From that point on until forever, you had to load singleplayer and use the shoddy interface to select an Online game for your multiplayer character.

They have a history of ruining Online with every update. I can only imagine all of the problems that accumulated since then, if it is even playable at all on those consoles.

[–] Evolith 0 points 1 day ago

Tirrel and the rest of his circlejerk can fuck itself

[–] Evolith 1 points 1 day ago

And whenever they want to drop a site-wide ban for any reason, it's easier to punish the whole device instead of fixing issues or pretending that most of the ad viewership doesn't consist of bots.

[–] Evolith 1 points 2 days ago

"Strike!" is seared into my memory and I want it surgically removed

[–] Evolith 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

The creatures at the top can't be human. No one would persist knowing that their wealth is accumulated off of the labor and efforts of multitudes of other people

[–] Evolith 1 points 6 days ago

Quiet's VA... haha, funny joke colonel

[–] Evolith 1 points 1 week ago

Out of everything they could have done, why did they block their own queen...

[–] Evolith 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The sad reality is that AI trashcode can't cook food, clean floors, wipe ass, or empty out the bin, so we'll be doing that while it pretends to be Twitter users.

[–] Evolith 1 points 1 week ago

This is unfortunate, especially the loss of access to half a million texts (and likely more). IA really helped me during plenty of undergrad classes when I needed access to the course text.

Would the "transformative" aspect be valid if IA added a public commentary/note-taking sidebar to their lended books?

[–] Evolith 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Some have already spent their years laboring and all while pursuing an education during/after long weeks of work. Me and most of my friends from high school have gone through this path.

What is more of a concern to me is that office jobs are no longer an opportunity for those of us with a university education. It has lumped us with those that do not value self-improvement.

[–] Evolith 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I'm a recent university graduate who has been working in different entry positions since early high school. I thought a health Bachelors was going to finally allow me to obtain stable, relevant employment but it has done none of that so far: Healthcare institutions only care if you're a nurse and the one corporate job I got is substition-based, so I can only work if someone calls off which is highly inconsistent and unsustainable.

I feel like my only option is to apply for grad school in a medical profession pipeline, but I'm nervous about asking for letters of recommendation.

Most relevant job apps either deny me after a few days or simply do not respond. Even research or lab jobs no call me after a while, regardless if I follow up by contacting them directly.

Edit: Additionally, I can't even get unemployment as my last job was PRN during my intense year of classes and they need you to have been working near full-time hours for a number of weeks to get it.


Was recently granted the privilege of a permanent ban on reddit for a username I had for over four years and it led me down the rabbit hole of seeing more and more claims from other people who went through similar experiences. Hell, there's a lot of them. Frivolous reports resulting in punishment, appeals being automatically denied, the works, etc.

It might just be a presumption, seeing how many bots slide under the radar each day on that site through posts and comments, but I have a strong feeling that most (seemingly random) admin bans are designed to flush out active and semi-active human users rather than weed out bot code posing as people online. The end goal? Whether it's to create an automated, cyclical platform designed to extract marketing and ad revenue from a steady stream of new users or anything else for that matter, I know not. All I know for certain is that the ban tendencies have ramped up in the recent year and the people actually being punished for it are those who have been using it for long periods of time and manage to conveniently fall on the edge of a subjective TOS offense.

I had my suspicions that it was gradually turning into an AI-fueled cesspit, but now I've had my chance to really believe that it has. Good riddance in that case

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