I think the burning means it is working
Will there be text size options in the app? I’d like to be able to change the apps text size independently from my devices text size. Perhaps this is already in the works with the accessibility updates?
BRB, putting mustard on my dick
Wenn nur noch 400g Becher im Regal stehen, steigt „die Nachfrage“ nach dem kleineren Format natürlich. Das ist so dreist unehrlich. Vor allem weil der Preis die kleinere Einheit selbstverständlich nicht widerspiegelt.
I was struggling so much in the beginning, even before the first boss. But when I learned that Dark Souls is a game of patience (block/dodge, attack, repeat) it clicked for me. The first real challenge after that where the two Gargoyles. After beating them I knew that I could beat the whole game. That boss simply is a DPS check and if you pass it the rest of the game should be manageable.
The only boss I struggled with after that (ignoring DLC) was the four kings, which simply is an upgraded DPS check. Solved it by upgrading my weapon and using paper. But only after many tries of trying to brute force my way through.
Wenn es schnell gehen soll, koche ich mir eine Portion Reis und brate nebenher eine Dose Kichererbsen mit Zwiebeln, Knoblauch und Chili-Paste an. Die Kichererbsen lösche ich dann mit Sojamilch und eingerührtem Mehl ab. Dadurch wird es eine leicht dickflüssige Chili-Soße mit Kichererbsen. Proteinreich und sättigt gut.
Danke! Solche Grafiken mit Quellenangaben sind immer sehr hilfreich. Viele meiner Kontakte sind immer noch der Meinung, dass nur Tiere Proteine erzeugen (aber Menschen nicht?!). Besonders irritierend, da viele von denen wissenschaftlichen/biologischen Hintergrund haben!
I have not had the app crash even once yet. Is it a common occurrence?
While I’m not using the app as excessively as I did Apollo, from what I’m reading about crashes and bugs I’m kind of surprised how well it is running for me.
Edit: Never mind, it now crashed 3 times in short succession. Reported of course!
I agree. Having subscriber count more readily available will help decide which communities to follow!
I understand your reasoning. I assumed that it is not trivial to implement. Of course getting the app to work reliably is a priority. I will just have to wait for this one ;)
Thank you for your work! I really enjoy using the app so far and I can’t wait for the 1.0 release, whenever it will be approved by Apple!