
joined 2 years ago
[–] Demdaru 5 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Saw similiar shit here. "Delivery person needed!". And whne it comes to pay, it's sudden;y "up to xx/h". God forbit they pay you normally.

[–] Demdaru 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

~~Short~~ Hipocrisy version, because ~~people~~ I also wrote book~~s~~ there:

Windows sucks your data and tries to put ads everywhere. Linux is a type of operating system, that is free and open source - everybody can make their version. Thus, there are no ads, and the moment they try to spy on you, community picks up the torches. So, people who know their stuff rally behind linux. HOWEVER. Linux isn't windows - it doesn't support the same programs and needs you to fight off command line anxiety.

Today linux is basically botherless to work with, but even then, I still had to boot up command line to install some old ass drivers or some shit.

Heck, what's more - there's only one/two version of active windows, but there's many linux distributions (which are the "made by other folk" version I talked before), so you can pick the one that fits you. Most folks recommend Linux Mint as it's the most Windows like experience, but if you like chromebooks there's also Peppermint OS, and if you want full versatility there's also Debian.

[–] Demdaru 1 points 4 months ago
[–] Demdaru 1 points 4 months ago

Funny you mention Rinworld...

...which does exactly that - includes mods in main game with updates xD

[–] Demdaru 0 points 4 months ago

Meeeh, leave the guns be. It's people who kill people, not guns - give man a knife and you got stabbed! Please ignore the fact that it's a lot easier to shoot someone than stab someone and thus even cowards can stab people at distance.

Let's just give USA a little bit more time. At some point one of the parties will score big win, and the other side will finally rally aaaand VIVA LA REVOLU- why is everyone dead?

[–] Demdaru 5 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

As a windows user WIN+R -> CMD -> TASKKILL /F /T /IM "<appname>*"

... I use it too much. Appa often block my screen :|

[–] Demdaru 1 points 5 months ago

Welcome to 1,000 games of minesweeper/tetris/flappybird! With, maybe, two or three more advanced games like Thrive or Endless Sky.

[–] Demdaru 5 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Now to be quite honest, we do have "flying cars" ( more so riding planes ). And a lot of countries are throwing looks at 4 day week work, which isn't 2 but still, progress ( Except Greece IIRC which went back to 6 day a week ).

Now I am really baffled why the hell did space conquest stopped tho.

[–] Demdaru 15 points 5 months ago (3 children)

I hate being bothered. Linux, while overall almost botherless, still looses to windows.

But damn me, when Win 10 loses support, I am jumping to nobara. Win 11 seems to be win 10 with every addon being something I harbor dislike for.

[–] Demdaru 9 points 5 months ago

Honestly this. I began calling any white offshoot simply "Dirty white". Bring color into my life, I beg you...sadly, I live in small flat, so dark colors ain't an option.

[–] Demdaru 9 points 5 months ago

Nobody wants to feed the troll, simple. But eh.

  • Highly militaristic Check
  • Isn't that strong Eh, just beating every other contestant with either tech, experience or both.
  • Treats it's people and outsider poorly MMMMM, okay, for EU standards yeah, but for global ones? They're mid.
  • Obvious problems with governance . . . nnnnnyeaah...
  • Air of superiority Yeah. Except not really. Ya all are dropping it more and more as time goes.
  • Never appearing weak It's justified tho.

So overall, yeah, 3,5/6. 0,5 for treating people part. Defo not sparta...i mean, if they vote Trump and I'll have to update this but eh.

[–] Demdaru 0 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

I am so conflicted on this. My partner, as a child, had bad case of asthma. She went to normal doctor...which almost killed her by being overzealos with antibiotics (That doc also almost killed my best friend...). Her mother, a proper believer that natural healing is the way to go, took her then to a homeopath.

And it worked.

It bloody worked. Shit backed off enough that she's having a normal life. Granted, that homeopath also had doctorate in medicine and was long time practicing doctor, but shit.

Edit: Note to self, people dislike even actual real histories because homeopathy bad. Heh.

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