
joined 2 years ago
[–] Demdaru 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Oh god. One electrical fail and you spend whole day changing lights xD

[–] Demdaru 0 points 1 day ago

Okay, this came out more blunt and...dunno, I don't really like how it cane out. But the reason is it comes close to something I saw a close one experience so...sorry in advance, maybe it will help you though.

I had a friend like that tbh. Like 1:1 symptoms, except dude didn't travel and had many traumatic experiences. I am going to be blunt. He didn't want help even when asking for it, because even if it was hell, he was in a twisted way comfortable with it.

If you are actually willing to fight, try to check in which hours you can sleep. Really, there's not onky sleeping at night or in the morning - check if you can instead sleep before the night, shift it back (or front in your case). Identify if you have access to enough sunlight in day - if your home is murky, you're gonna feel worse. Also find some motivation anchor. You ain't gonna fix it without actually having the will and anchor. If you manage to do any improvement, accept your success, grit your teeth and continue marching on.

About meds - if your life ie so miserable, it may be better to grab onto them than allow everything bad to swallow you whole.

And if you reallh feel good traveling and are able to live like this, maybe consider nomadic lifestyle? It's going to be tough, but that may be simply price to pay for your overall mental health and who knows, maybe if you feel better you will be able to improve your situation further.

[–] Demdaru 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Yeah, it is more strict. Parents are bombarded with pedophilia news 24/7, same as kidnappings, bullying, deaths...

Meanwhile buisnesses are under constant threat of checks from authority and a lot of legal threat in case shit goes down the drain.

We made world safer, but also...dry and constricting. And then people wonder what's up with generations becoming less social.

[–] Demdaru 1 points 4 days ago

Yeah, that's what Fallout Londond creators advised - delay the update. A lot of folk got already hit with it by this time tho, so a lot of people were pissed.

And they DID insert their own IIRC, may be wrong on that one.

[–] Demdaru 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Exactly, nothing target mod specifically, it's just dramatic people being dramatic. It DOES suck for Fallout London creators, but whatchu gonna do.

[–] Demdaru 10 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Also, there's Tim.

[–] Demdaru 2 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Full recompilation of exec from scratch - memory positions changed and basically f4se became extremely borked.

[–] Demdaru 6 points 4 days ago

As far as I know, they basically recompiled the main executable from scratch - to which modders inject code...thus jumbling it all up.

Also def. not intentionally - it just coincided with the fallout series and Bethesda, like every company, wanted to get more cake. Dumb move, but eh.

[–] Demdaru 2 points 6 days ago

Efficiency, which these machines probably will not achieve in our lifetimes. When you can simply produce another worker, stuff can be done quicker and safer.

[–] Demdaru 1 points 6 days ago

Patriotism at work. Trump does all he can to insult Canada, and if people who govern Canada would allow it, they'd be seen as weak leaders. What they need is to work towards cutting any dependency on USA while defending their country worth.

Also, Trump rules only thanks to his show. Getting bitchslapped like that does hurt him. ^^

[–] Demdaru 6 points 6 days ago

Yeah, like, really. Author seems critical of Musk.

[–] Demdaru 2 points 6 days ago

They cool tho. But sometimes eerie.

Weird game behaviour (self.warframe)

Sooo...I'd normally look around the web to see if someone had something similiar happen to it but I am not sure how to put it in querable sentence...

Basically maps are out of wack when my partner plays. Lua infiltration? Some doors you need to unlock, she has unlocked from the start - the chandelier thingy you need to shoot down to punch a hole in the floor? It's down at the start of the game for her. On the other hand on Zariman we found out she has some of the maintenance passages closed, even though they're open for me. not sure what the heck is going on. Did someone had something like this happen to them? Her game updates normally so I dunno if it's something in the settings or what.

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