Have fun.
Do you have a link to the file? Would love to print it as well
There was a huge adobe breach a while back and they made it into a crossword. https://zed0.co.uk/crossword/
I stole a bunch of ships from random encounters. Seemed fun, then i got the one from the batman quest and none could top it. So putting all my points in shipbuilding with the hopes of improvement had me dissapointed since new parts were level locked instead. Dropped the game right there and then.
Great take on the short story. Do you still make sketch comedy?
Beautiful, what are you gonna use it for?
It can't be that difficult.
I second this. Hell I might even third it.
Biggest difference i found was the china pakistan border, 3 hours. China is also all in one timezone which must create problems.
Made the same choice in my first playthrough of 2077. It seemed the thing the person i was roleplaying would do. Didn't start a new game untill the recent patch dropped.
You are absolutely correct.