Welcome to 2024 where we announce the possibility of an upcoming announcement.
When people are talked down to, they often dig in their heels due to an emotion called psychological reactance. The reactionary ape that still exists in every human feels challenged and that ape will not allow reason to stop it.
If you see such a reaction and allow yourself to believe "well that person was just an immature child", you risk giving yourself license to keep talking down to people. Repeat ad nauseum.
It doesn't matter that you're objectively correct about the effect meat has on the biosphere if you just keep going around that circle, creating 0 new vegans every lap
The entire warbond system was built on the precipice of a very slipery slope but I think they haven't quite lost their footing yet. Warbonds could have been time limited, but they opted to make them permanent. The grind could have been extraordinarily tedious, but i think SC gain is steady enough that I haven't felt the pressure to buy into it (for context, i work full time and I have the drive to play maybe 8-10 dif8 missions per week)
Oh you can bet madden is gonna be littered with sports betting app ads
Not heresy, apostasy. A heretic worships god wrong. An apostate worships the wrong god. ("wrong" as defined by the church, of course)
The reasoned par of my brain wholeheartedly agrees with you, and when I can convince myself to do so, I let them vibe. Unfortunately the reasoned part of my brain is powerless to stop the fight or flight response that happens when [spindly-legged creature] crosses my field of view. It simply happens.
If reasoning alone could overcome an otherwise unreasonable physiological response, then allergies wouldn't exist.
I think this commenter is trying to say that the nominal size of a 2x2 is 2" by 2" (and it looks like they typo'd nominal to "normal")
The actual size of a 2x2 is 1.5" by 1.5", and OP incorrectly calls these dimensions nominal
Magic? Nothing to blink twice at!
Hair color that's fun for the player? Realism ruined.
The discord patch notes also list an increase in damage for the non-laser guard dog (no numbers listed for that one)
Good on the devs for getting the balance in check ahead of the 1.0 release
lmao at ALJ