You can do the same with the XT for very similar results.
My 9070XT is holding 3400mhz at -100mv 110% power, +100mhz memory for a (title dependent) 10% performance gain.
You can do the same with the XT for very similar results.
My 9070XT is holding 3400mhz at -100mv 110% power, +100mhz memory for a (title dependent) 10% performance gain.
Can confirm this is normal in Aus, Ive regularly been asked how much I paid for the house as well, which I have no problem answering.
I’ve seen what happens when one flies into a persons ear canal and gets stuck.
And people wonder why the only bugs that freak me out are cockroaches.
Not to mention that he’s setting up a child to be indoctrinated their whole life.
It was the dead silence right before the sound of a measuring tape being retracted followed by crying over a pinched finger today.
There is a difference between nsfw drawings and nudes of the actual artist
Is there a spoiler free mode that's reliable?
The stronghold, at the very least. It was a major problem in the first game to have your base of operations be a thing that you had to return to with travel time, so it’s a significant course correction to have it come with you.
Sure but that's a mechanics improvement that people aren't going to realise because they never bought the game.... because an Age of Sail / Pirates setting has never been popular in CRPGs. They should have stuck with high fantasy.
Having a turn-based mode as an option is always welcome especially with large parties but again... people need to play the game to get a feel for any potential improvements there. They didn't buy it, didn't play it, and still didn't do either when turn-based was added.
Larian had zero reason to change a winning formula so I'm not sure why that factors in your mind? Literally a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
I agree that budget isn't the defining difference, the setting is. DOS2 starts you off on a ship then dumps you on a tropical island. Did it suffer? No... because their game is clearly not a Pirates (Age of Sail) game. You even see a shot of the characters on a big ship during the trailer but then go straight back to combat on land.
There are many discussions on this particular issue and John absolutely refuses to acknowledge it because he likes the setting.
PoE2 actively addressed every criticism I had from the first game
Which of those issues you criticised are highlighted in the game trailers and ads that were run?
People buy games based on impressions, some people do research and watch streams but most CRPG buyers are going to avoid spoilers.
Half of the game trailer on Steam is ship, ship combat, upgrade your ship.
The sales numbers really say the rest. PoE as a setting died and there won't be a third entry.
There's a decent Post Mortem by Josh Sawyer but he still just doesn't hit on the Age of Sail being an unpopular setting for this kind of game.
In my defence your comment was a little too realistic…
I expect a lot of CIA informants to wind up dead soon, same thing happened during the last Trump presidency.