Awesome, if only we could buy them
AMD news, hardware reviews and analysis and discussions
Keep checking, found quite a lot of them online in Germany.
My local Micro Center had the new AMD cards for about 2 days and since then not a single SKU shows up on the website search.
Two days is pretty crazy for a new GPU. My local store (Canada) was sold out in about 15 minutes.
Interesting, that actually does change up the decision-making calculus a bit between the 9070 and 9070 XT. 10% improved fps and much lower TDP is always nice
The XT probably undervolts a lot better. Higher end cards almost always undervolt very well. Especially considering the XT doesn't have that many more cores, but has a LOT higher clock speeds.
Are there any people trying the same thing on the XT?
You can do the same with the XT for very similar results.
My 9070XT is holding 3400mhz at -100mv 110% power, +100mhz memory for a (title dependent) 10% performance gain.