
joined 2 years ago
[–] Crul 2 points 2 years ago

Also sorry lol

Hehe, no need for it.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying the films!

[–] Crul 3 points 2 years ago

The song is the only reason I'm forced to acknowledge that there are film adaptations of the book, but I have already ranted about that on the other comment thread :).

[–] Crul 4 points 2 years ago

In case it helps: IMHO the hard part of [email protected] is that is an all-or-nothing regarding if you get the joke.

Note that the communities I listed on OP have content that can be enjoyed without any previous reference. Of course, the more you know about any topic, the more you will get from the posts, but I think that for the short term, it's good to focus on things that people can vote because "they look pretty" even if they don't understand the context.

[–] Crul 3 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I thought about adding a warning about the movies... I find very hard to ackowledge they exist (half kidding :P). Not because they are bad, but they are sooo different from the book; it's sad for me that they are the reference for the name.

I'm not sure I would recommend the book to children younger than ... (?) 11-12 years old. Although maturity in this regard is very personal and subjective and I'm not the one to say who should read what.

[–] Crul 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I didn't know Joel Haver... but I see what you mean xD XD.

I'll have to watch this thing in its entirety.

If you're going to watch the whole movie, here it is some advice:

  • Don't expect the full story. I'm not sure what the plans were, but they run out of money in the middle of the Battle of Helm's Deep. Most people find this a good thing.
  • Don't look Legolas in the face. Seriously, DON'T LOOK AT HIM!
  • Take into account that we are talking about the 70s, "special effects" tend to be very psychedelic.

Details you may appreciate:

  • Magic is more subtle / abstract (maybe too abstract at some points) than in Peter Jackon's. No breakdance-battle-stuff.
  • Not everyone is a pretty face. You can distinguish Aragorn from Boromir at a distance!
  • Gimli has not been Mushu-fied.
  • Aragon does not try to stop Frodo from saving Gandalf when he falls at Minas Tirith.
[–] Crul 7 points 2 years ago (2 children)
[–] Crul 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)
[–] Crul 3 points 2 years ago (2 children)

You are probably right on your pessimism. Growing communities is hard. That's why I'm trying to focus the efforts in a few, but more than 1 community. Which community will succeed in the long term is impossible to predict, so I think it's better to just keep trying with different ones.

I find [email protected] a very good attempt. If I get it correctly, is like fakehistoryporn but for movies, right? I think that's the kind of niche-but-not-too-niche topic that could work. I'm not very familiar with the format but I will keep it in mind in case I find something worth posting.

Thanks for the efforts and the feedback!

[–] Crul 1 points 2 years ago

Posted one there!... I hope Bakshi is not too hated :P.

[–] Crul 8 points 2 years ago

My bad, you're right, I should have added a small description (done!):

submitted 2 years ago by Crul to c/awwnverts

Photo by J. R. Baker

Source with more pictures and more info: Spicebush Swallowtail | NC State Extension Publications

Spicebush swallowtails, Papilio troilus, are butterflies that have a conspicuous tail on each hind wing. The forewings and body are black. The forewings have a row of white spots near the outer margin and another small row on the margin. The hind wings are black with two orange spots, a row of spots that fade from white to pale blue and a conspicuous pale blue area. Females lay eggs singly on the underside of host leaves. The worms generally fold leaves together to form a shelter in which they live on a silk lining. Young caterpillars mimic bird dropping. Older caterpillars are green with lovely blue spots. They also have ferocious eyespots, probably to deter predators. These worms usually feed on sweet bay, spicebush, and sassafras. The prepupae assume an comma shape. The chrysalis has two anterior horns and is suspended from a twig by a narrow silk band. The chrysalides may be brown or green, but overwintering chrysalides are always brown. Several generations occur each year.

Image text: An older spicebush swallotail caterpillar on sassafras.

Image caption (from source): Mature spicebush swallotail caterpillars are brownish below.


Resultado (generado con

  • El municipal regente la vecindad elige;
    mas el regente quiere que el pueblo regente estime.

  • Cuanto más funesto, más afortunado es todo;
    y cuanto a todos más funesto, más dichoso me es.
    Mejor es para mí provechoso el político lucro.

  • Haré todo lo que pueda mi frágil poder;
    y aún más si es dable, con tesón he de hacer.
    Lo posible intentaré y aun lo que imposible parezca,
    si acaso lo imposible posible acontezca.

[EDIT] añadida a sugerencia de @[email protected] :

  • Es menester construir artilugios ingeniosos
    Que nos permitan proseguir edificando artificios,
    Pues jamás hará la máquina por sí
    Fabricar otras máquinas, no es su fin.


Escribe estas frases con el estilo de Luis de Góngora:

  • Es el vecino el que elige al alcalde, y es el alcalde el que quiere que sean los vecinos el alcalde.
  • Cuanto peor mejor para todos y cuanto peor para todos mejor. Mejor para mí el suyo beneficio político.
  • Haré todo lo que pueda y un poco más de lo que pueda si es que eso es posible, y haré todo lo posible e incluso lo imposible si también lo imposible es posible.


  • Hay que fabricar máquinas que nos permita seguir fabricando máquinas, porque lo que no va a hacer nunca la máquina es fabricar máquinas

Hace 7 meses hice el experimento con ChatGPT, publicado en reddit (r/es):

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Crul to c/comicstrips


* I think the bug is fixed for future versions.


SOURCE: Cenospire Animation on Tumblr

A very curious Pyroraptor spots something interesting (a cycad seed) on the forest floor, and is just...tickled pink by it for some reason.

#pyroraptor#raptor#dromaeosaur#dinosaurs#paleoart#animation#late cretaceous


Fuente foto: El Economista

Via (y fuente del título en un comentario): Menéame

Publicado originalmente en r/spain


TL;DR generado con

TL;DR: Se publican dos artículos en arXiv sobre un nuevo material apatita de plomo dopada con cobre (Pb10-xCux(PO4)6O) que afirman que es un superconductor a temperatura ambiente. Los autores proponen una nueva teoría BR-BCS unidimensional para explicarlo. Sin embargo, los resultados presentados muestran anomalías: la susceptibilidad magnética no permite determinar Tc, las curvas de resistividad y voltaje-corriente son extrañas, la temperatura de Debye varía mucho, etc. El autor de la entrada tiene serias dudas sobre la validez de estos resultados y cree que no serán reproducibles; espera que se trate de errores metodológicos y le gustaría estar equivocado para poder disfrutar de este hito histórico. Habrá que esperar a la replicación independiente de estos experimentos para confirmar o refutar estos hallazgos.



cross-posted from:

If you didn't already know about it, I included the full description after the release notes.

Release 1.3.0

  • You can now add multiple secondary instances: so if you, like me, also have an account on (or of course any other instance), you can add that there and not have links rewritten for that instance
  • You can manually enter your home instance. Useful for self-hosted instances that didn't show up in my instance list.

Full Description Below:


Lemmy Universal Link Switcher, or LULs for short, scans all links on all websites, and if any link points to a Lemmy instance that is not your main/home instance, it rewrites the link so that it instead points to your main instance.

Also works on Firefox Android with the Tampermonkey extension!


  • Rewrite links to Lemmy posts/comments to point to your home instance. Only after hovering over them, because getting home posts/comments links require communicating with the Lemmy servers, and we don't want to spam the servers.
    video demonstrating links to posts being rewritten

  • Instantly rewrite all links of community or user links to Lemmy/kbin on all websites everywhere to your new instance! The rewritten links will have an icon next to it, and hovering/touching the icon will show you the original link, allowing you to go there if you want to.
    community links being rewritten

  • If you are already on a page that has a corresponding page on your home instance, a link will automatically be added to the page header.
    the header link to your home instance when already on a remote post

Home Instance Setup

Simply visit the Lemmy instance you want to set as your home while the script is active. You will be asked if you want to set this instance to your home instance:
popup to select home instance


If you want to change your home instance or add secondary instances in case you have multiple accounts, simply go to the script settings, accessible within Violent/Tampermonkey directly, or alternatively within any Lemmy instances' settings.
button to set your new home instance

Common Issues

Coming soon

  • Rewrite kbin post/comment links
  • Better rewriting support for kbin community/user urls (e.g. sort options are currently ignored)
  • Nicer tooltip styling (fit into page theme)
  • Signify that "Show at home" button is loading for posts/comments
  • Integrate with redirector

TL;DR: questions:
EDIT: I'm not aking how to fix it for a single community, I'm asking how to handle it for >200 subscriptions (thanks!)

  • If a community says "Subscribe pending", is it possible that their posts do not appear on the feed?
  • If the answer to the previous question is yes: is there any script to fix "Subscribe pending" issues on batch?

Long version:

I started using Lemmy some days ago and when subscribing to some communities (on other instances) I got the "Subscribe pending" message. I'm aware it's a common issue (see search for Subscribe pending in this community) but, because what I read is that the bug was the message itself (but you were indeed subscribed) I ignored them.

Today I took a look again at the issue and I saw that some people recommend un-subbing and re-subbing again. The thing is, now I'm subscribed to more than 200 communities, so it would take a while to do it manually.



cross-posted from:

From OP (Not OC):

Golden Axe Warrior pixel-over. I think this game has actually split the 16 colour sprite palette into segments so enemies can be palette swapped... but here I just used all 16 colours.

Artist website


From OP (Not OC):

Golden Axe Warrior pixel-over. I think this game has actually split the 16 colour sprite palette into segments so enemies can be palette swapped... but here I just used all 16 colours.

Artist website


cross-posted from:'s summary (AI generated) from the captions:

In this interview, Ron Gilbert, the creator of the Monkey Island games, discusses his thoughts on people who speedrun Monkey Island 2. He says he loves watching speedruns and respects the skill involved, as speedrunners have to deeply understand the game mechanics to break the intended pacing and narrative. Gilbert talks about some of the design decisions behind elements like the randomization of puzzles, noting they tried to prevent brute forcing solutions. He also admits some parts like the ending of Monkey 2 were poorly designed. Overall, Gilbert seems to really enjoy seeing people speedrun his games in clever ways, though he doesn't partake himself.'s summary (AI generated) from the captions:

In this interview, Ron Gilbert, the creator of the Monkey Island games, discusses his thoughts on people who speedrun Monkey Island 2. He says he loves watching speedruns and respects the skill involved, as speedrunners have to deeply understand the game mechanics to break the intended pacing and narrative. Gilbert talks about some of the design decisions behind elements like the randomization of puzzles, noting they tried to prevent brute forcing solutions. He also admits some parts like the ending of Monkey 2 were poorly designed. Overall, Gilbert seems to really enjoy seeing people speedrun his games in clever ways, though he doesn't partake himself.

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