The song is the only reason I'm forced to acknowledge that there are film adaptations of the book, but I have already ranted about that on the other comment thread :).
In case it helps: IMHO the hard part of [email protected] is that is an all-or-nothing regarding if you get the joke.
Note that the communities I listed on OP have content that can be enjoyed without any previous reference. Of course, the more you know about any topic, the more you will get from the posts, but I think that for the short term, it's good to focus on things that people can vote because "they look pretty" even if they don't understand the context.
I thought about adding a warning about the movies... I find very hard to ackowledge they exist (half kidding :P). Not because they are bad, but they are sooo different from the book; it's sad for me that they are the reference for the name.
I'm not sure I would recommend the book to children younger than ... (?) 11-12 years old. Although maturity in this regard is very personal and subjective and I'm not the one to say who should read what.
I didn't know Joel Haver... but I see what you mean xD XD.
I'll have to watch this thing in its entirety.
If you're going to watch the whole movie, here it is some advice:
- Don't expect the full story. I'm not sure what the plans were, but they run out of money in the middle of the Battle of Helm's Deep. Most people find this a good thing.
- Don't look Legolas in the face. Seriously, DON'T LOOK AT HIM!
- Take into account that we are talking about the 70s, "special effects" tend to be very psychedelic.
Details you may appreciate:
- Magic is more subtle / abstract (maybe too abstract at some points) than in Peter Jackon's. No breakdance-battle-stuff.
- Not everyone is a pretty face. You can distinguish Aragorn from Boromir at a distance!
- Gimli has not been Mushu-fied.
- Aragon does not try to stop Frodo from saving Gandalf when he falls at Minas Tirith.
You are probably right on your pessimism. Growing communities is hard. That's why I'm trying to focus the efforts in a few, but more than 1 community. Which community will succeed in the long term is impossible to predict, so I think it's better to just keep trying with different ones.
I find [email protected] a very good attempt. If I get it correctly, is like fakehistoryporn but for movies, right? I think that's the kind of niche-but-not-too-niche topic that could work. I'm not very familiar with the format but I will keep it in mind in case I find something worth posting.
Thanks for the efforts and the feedback!
My bad, you're right, I should have added a small description (done!):
- [email protected]: a genre of retrofuturism based on the 70's and 80's (more info)
- [email protected]: cute invertebrates
- [email protected]: weird vehicles (with wheels)
- [email protected]: self-explanatory
Hehe, no need for it.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying the films!