
joined 2 years ago
[–] CodeHead 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I should get this picture framed....

[–] CodeHead 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I've got a gas stove and a highly inefficient house. I recently got an air quality detector and yeah, it goes off every time I cook anything on the stove. Not so much if I use the oven.

I'm pretty sure the premise is correct... though unsure as to the degree. I would get an induction stove in a heart beat. Just... you know... cost and all. (Buy the stove, update my wiring to not suck where the stove would go, things like that)

[–] CodeHead 17 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] CodeHead 18 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

The US government pays lots of money to Oracle to use their database. And it's not for BerkleyDB either. (Poor sleepy cat). Oracle provides them support for their relational databases... and those databases use... SQL.

Now if Musk tries to end the Oracle contracts, then Oracle's lawyers will go after his lawyers and I'm a gonna get me some popcorn. (But we all know that won't happen in any timeline... Elon gotta keep Larry happy.)

[–] CodeHead 2 points 2 months ago
[–] CodeHead 7 points 2 months ago

Entropy wins.... always. You must free yourself and accept this. You cannot defeat entropy.

Every house has one. My mother with legit OCD had one... though she claimed it was a 'Miscellaneous' drawer and not a junk drawer. (To be fair, it was a well organized junk drawer at any rate.)

But yeah, your wife is right.

[–] CodeHead 2 points 3 months ago

Vector pinball looks like a good time waster. A paid game like that is PinOut.


I'm on the lookout for android games. I don't mind paying either to remove ads, or to get the game.

What are some good casual ones that get you hooked. The only requirement is no ads, offline play is a plus. I'd rather pay for the game then have to deal with an ad-network. (And if there are links to sites with good lists, that would be cool to see too)

[–] CodeHead 12 points 3 months ago (4 children)

When I moved to Colorado from the midwest in the 90's, my weight started to drop. When I left Colorado for Arizona, my weight went back up.

Partly it was the food, but really it was the outdoor activities.... if you wanted to hang with friends, you spent time outside. (Though restaurants seemed to have healthier options, there were just less restaurants overall so I ended up cooking more too)

[–] CodeHead 2 points 5 months ago
[–] CodeHead 18 points 5 months ago (3 children)

So, remember... they just 'switched' from forced arbitration to going into the courts. Yes it is good, but note 'Good guy Gabe' didn't start this way.

Maybe consider 'why' he's making the change? It's actually because this forces the money question to the one suing them. It costs them less by doing this. Now I think this is actually good, but don't blindly fawn over the guy for this.

[–] CodeHead 10 points 6 months ago

There was a time when impeached presidents resigned. That was my earliest memory.

submitted 11 months ago by CodeHead to c/angryupvote
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