joined 2 months ago
[–] CMLVI 1 points 1 month ago

Wish Swoll would be on podium but really, really solid showing by him. Feel like MX was not his strong suit recently. And Savatgy should have been higher minus his 1st turn crash in moto 2.

[–] CMLVI 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Jett out front, but Ferrandis on a satellite ride in 5th is tremendous. Plessinger 4 weeks off a broken arm shouldn't be underestimated.

[–] CMLVI 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Jason Anderson wtf 31st?

[–] CMLVI 1 points 1 month ago

I hope Jett has like...mechanical issues or something. 2 years of Jett wins is gonna hurt

[–] CMLVI 1 points 1 month ago

Team Triumph really surprising. Savatgy should be a top 3 threat when he gets fully sorted in setup.

[–] CMLVI 6 points 1 month ago

I didn't post any useful information, all I did was shit post during college sports game threads. Just lemme be spiteful against Reddit lol

[–] CMLVI 1 points 1 month ago

Yet another issue with Pala on press day. MX Sports really ruining the start of what should have been a really good 250 season. 1 top guy, and 1 top 10 threat out on Thursday.

[–] CMLVI 2 points 1 month ago

It's much less of an issue now, likely due to anti-cheat and also the current bans in other countries so it's not really spoken about much anymore. Honestly, if people wanna cheat, go for it, especially in a game like this. There is a bit of worry about effecting major orders an inordinate amount, but even then, it would probably be a small amount.

[–] CMLVI 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Because it's group rewards. That person gets 2k super samples, you also get 2k super samples. It, by definition, ruins progression for others.

Might not have been clear in initial comment; on launch, people were joining open groups and cheaters were spoofing the rewards. So when a mission completed, you got a bunch of mats and stuff and your account was basically bricked for "progression" unless AH did a manual rollback.

[–] CMLVI 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I want chain gangs to stay. I'm glad the ball spots may be more accurate with the tracking system, but those few seconds when they measure is great for the crowd and viewer. Keep the theatrical components.

[–] CMLVI 8 points 1 month ago

I'd argue nah, cause JNCO jeans were huge when I was in middle school, and those are like...comically baggy. Like the bottom cuff would swallow your shoe. Even with standard jeans, boys showing ankle was a mortal sin, (for girls not so much, skinny jeans were in but I don't remember anything specific against baggy clothes either) and it was a huge issue in the school with people wearing saggy/baggy pants and hoodies that were too big. And this was early 00s, and through high school as well. Some "groups" did the skinny jeans in high school, namely like emo kids, but they'd still have other articles of clothes that were baggy.

I think a lot of it is algorithm based. Interacting with anything is going to start skewing the page, and it builds an echo chamber of "this generation has a bad opinion", when the reality is not so. Everything is driving engagement, and rage is always a top factor in engaging.

[–] CMLVI 17 points 1 month ago (6 children)

People have cheated in the samples and req slips and such and ruined progression for others. It's not the same as competition cheating, but the "point" of the game is the grind, and some lost out on it. I think AH rolled back most of the effected accounts though, but it's a little deeper than just no PvP = cheats sorta fine

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