M26. I feel old as shit and it's only gonna get worse. A lot of it is your attitude and environment, something i'm struggling with rn. You can still be young in your 60ies if you have wonderful people surrounding you.
What is in the spin room?
Wish i could reset it with a wall run and role play a pingpong ball on lua tilesets
Why are you me. Thats so fucked that I'm not the only one feeling like this. No one should feel like this. Yet here we are. The only thing keeping me going is seeing new games or anime that make me excited enough to wait for them to come out. If that ever stops ho boy am I fucked. But everything in between fucking suuuucks. Hope you find a way out of this hole. Maybe share it with the rest of the class once you're out.
- EndeavourOS is arch based with less hassle. Its more than good enough for most people. don't get trapped by minimal install bs and other non-consequential opinionative approaches to software.
- Select btrfs as your file system and use timeshift. If you fuck up or if your updates fuck something up. There are other ways of doing rollbacks and this is just what I became familiar with. I've used it two times in the past year, its worth it.
- Bookmark the archwiki, 99% of the time the answer to the questions of 'how to' and 'can i' are in there
- There are multiple DE's. Pick what works best for you before you toss that bootable USB installer. You of course can switch later down the line, but experimenting now will save you config troubleshooting later, just stick to what feels/looks best. Look around on the web to see what appeals to your workflow. There are others like Cosmic and Wayland that are not included in the arch gui installer, in which case, follow the install procedures for the DE you want and remove the old ones to avoid config overlap.
- Have Fun. If you are not, do something that is.
Where to, if you don't mind
Gay girls innit?
Should have turned off the camera first and THEN went bang bang bang...
My dad did. Not much, really, just happier. Out of a job for now, but it's fine.