
joined 1 year ago
[–] Blue_Morpho 6 points 2 hours ago (3 children)

If only Democrats would put the same effort into attacking Republicans as they do their own party.

Not that what Schumer did was good, but what Thune, McConnell, and Cotton do daily is an order of magnitude worse.

[–] Blue_Morpho 4 points 2 hours ago

Yay! I get to repost my comment about Disco Season 5 that got me banned from Ten Forward:

Regarding how the writers failed with their Spore Drive conclusion in Season 5:

The idea of the lone inventor wasn't even true a hundred years ago. When I took a history of technology class at University over 30 years ago, that fact was driven into us. All discoveries are the result of researchers standing on the shoulders of giants. Destroying all Spore drive research is meaningless because there are hundreds of billions of people spread across thousands of planets. The Federation isn't even the entire Alpha quadrant so there are hundreds of billions of other people with no restrictions. So someone else is going to almost immediately re discover spore drive because the technology and knowledge base for its discovery are built into society.

I hope the above opinion doesn't get me banned here too.

[–] Blue_Morpho 4 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

But that's why thermostats have a range and turn on/off cool/heat as needed?

If you were gone for a day with everything off then it would make sense to not overshoot. But when you are home it's not like it goes from 30-60F instantly outside. As the outside gradually changes, so does the amount of heat or cooling on the inside.

[–] Blue_Morpho 3 points 4 hours ago

Too late. It will be decades, if ever that Musk isn't synonymous with Tesla. The brand is destroyed.

[–] Blue_Morpho 3 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

Why do you care about outdoor temps for your indoor setting?

[–] Blue_Morpho 19 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago) (2 children)

No amount of wipe on surface treatment will help against child damage because the underlying wood deforms. It's like putting Saran wrap over a chicken breast before pounding it with a mallet- the Saran wrap will be intact.

If keeping it intact is really important, you need a 2 part epoxy to provide a rigid coating.

Otherwise just let the damage build up and sand/refinish after kids are older.

[–] Blue_Morpho 1 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

The OP states it is justified to use violence against the right people to achieve your ends.

"The ends never justify the means." is a statement that violence is never the right answer.

[–] Blue_Morpho 1 points 10 hours ago

Her mental block on affecting people was mentioned in the last episode.

[–] Blue_Morpho 2 points 10 hours ago

I'm not sure it would be different enough to matter. Otherwise diseases like the bubonic plague wouldn't be consistent throughout the past thousand years.

[–] Blue_Morpho 1 points 10 hours ago

You are using the talking point that the method of killing is more important than the actual killing.

How many total people did Bush Jr kill?

But even the subset of drone attacks doesn't stand up to scrutiny because as I already showed, Trump did far more drone attacks than Obama. Yet it's never Trump the drone killer.

[–] Blue_Morpho 6 points 11 hours ago (3 children)

But "make sure your motivation is to help the system" isn't related to "the ends justify the means" at all.

The OP is claiming that if done correctly, the ends justify the means.

I'm not criticizing your idea that the ends don't justify the means. It's only that your reply is a non sequitur to the OP.

[–] Blue_Morpho 3 points 13 hours ago

The title doesn't do it justice. I almost didn't click the link because what's the big deal about open source command line utilities in 2025.

But this is important. It's the tools needed for Android to be self building.

"In a global first, Richmond, Canada-headquartered fusion energy company General Fusion achieved the first-ever plasma in a reactor driven by steam."

Popcan Cybertruck (

Jerryrigseverything compares new Cybertruck to 30 year old F150.




I'm new to Minecraft and did a lot of googling but everyone has a different answer for silk touch.

Does anyone have a definite way to get it with an enchantment table?

Some say you need to be level 17 and have 9 bookshelves before it will show up (random). Others say you need to be between level 20 and 30. One says 30. Another says you can just keep trying over and over using a grindstone to remove the wrong enchantment before trying again.


Don't know how old this is but it was new for me today!


I replied to a post in a thread (about how my 15 year old burned DVDs were going bad and what I was doing to remedy it). The thread is still there but my post is gone. It wasn't an argument. It was a reply to someone asking for data backup options.

Some auto generated explanation from Lemmy would be nice like : post deleted by owner. Or posted deleted by moderator.

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