Why didn't Eve destroy Conquest's robot hand? It's not sentient.
Invincible (show and comics)
Community rules:
- Be nice to each other - we're all fans of the same thing. Let's celebrate that, even if we have differences!
- Comic and TV show spoilers must be tagged as such, ideally by starting the title with
. Let's allow everyone to feel the same surprise we felt when experiencing this amazing world for the first time! - Don't spoil people in a way they can't circumvent - that means no spoilers in post titles. That goes both for comic stuff, but also the TV show. Spoilers for the latter are fine 2 weeks after the episode is released, but try to work around spoiling as much as you can!
Episode discussions
well, it's simple. It's because ๐ค
You see...
I have no idea
Comic spoilers
Her inability to affect living people is mostly a mental block and not a limitation of her ability, I believe. So it's possibly that mental block prevents her from affecting most things attached to people as well.
Mind you I haven't watched past season one, so I don't know if that's been addressed in the show yet.
Having seen all 3 seasons, I don't think that specifically is addressed. Maybe in the one-off dedicated to her backstory?
Anyway, your spoiler didn't work for me at all on Sync.
Her mental block on affecting people was mentioned in the last episode.
your spoiler didnโt work for me at all on Sync.
Maybe it's a problem on sync. I'm using the default lemmy interface on my web browser and spoiler worked.
I'm almost positive it's Sync. Maybe I should look for an alternative, but it works fine otherwise