
joined 11 months ago
[–] BlackAura 9 points 1 week ago (3 children)

While this is technically true, in practice I've found there's always something the old PC is missing, tech wise.

Socket change. Ram version change. New version of PCIe.

Effectively you need to do mobo/cpu/ram all together.

The only other components are GPU and storage, which I agree are generally transferable, but depending on age you may want to upgrade too.

I guess PSU but that is thankfully something you almost never need to upgrade, unless your new GPU sucks down a lot more watts.

Maybe if I had an AM5 board I would be in a better state, but currently on AM4 so my upgrade paths are limited (already on a 5000 series chip).

[–] BlackAura 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

You're comparing a 2d custom engine. Which admittedly you wouldn't expect to have multiple os support...but it's built on allegro, which is open source c++.

To a 3d game in Unreal Engine 5, which stresses even the best systems running dedicated gpus on windows. Do many macs offer dedicated gpus these days?

[–] BlackAura 9 points 2 weeks ago

As someone who once owned a car that shared a model number with another car by a totally different company.... Let me tell you searching for parts was a pain.

The well known Mazda MX-5 might cause the same problem for buyers of this :(

Thankfully an electric bike and ICE car will be different enough that it won't be too bad, but there might still be the odd crossover.

[–] BlackAura 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

There still is an alternative to the app. I used it a month ago. You still need a smart phone though.

Choose your venue / whatever. I. E. I was visiting NYC and went to watch the Yankees. So I search for the Yankees, and my ticket shows up. It will show their fancy barcode thing in the browser and it works just fine.

[–] BlackAura 5 points 1 month ago

Yeah what a badly written article, with awful takeaways.

[–] BlackAura 3 points 2 months ago

I was able to look it up for my Canadian university, somewhat. Every year they issued the Calendar which included a section called tuitions and fees. It can be slightly complex to read depending on the degree you're going for.

They have all the years it's been digitally available in the link above. I suspect you could go to the campus library and find older publications to go back further.

Generally you're looking for "Undergraduate" and "Fees". Depending on the year it's a PDF, or a table in html.

If you're not used to reading it it can be painful and more complex the more recent it gets. Plus you need to sometimes know terms unique to that university.

I. E. If they say Shulich they are referring to the Engineering program. If they say Haskayne they are referring to business. Most of the other programs are referred to by proper name, I. E. Music, Law, Medicine, etc.

Most programs are 5 courses per semester though some may have you do 6 in the odd semester if you want to graduate in 4 years (alternatively you take longer, like my 4.5 years to get my B. SC, or fit them in in spring or summer)

Generally you can assume a single course is 3 units, and a single semester will be 5 courses, if the table you're looking at is showing you the price per 3 units.

Unfortunately while the course price hasn't gone up huge amounts (until the last few years where they tried to simplify things with categories), all those extra static fees, or extra charges for specific programs, per semester have gone up a lot.

In 2003 the general fees for say engineering were $275. 5 courses were $2190. For a total of $2465 per semester.

Divided back out that's just under $500/course.

In 2013 general fees are $588. Courses are $2666. Engineering specific fees are $30. For a total of $3254.

Divided back out that's about $650/course.

In 2023 the general fees are about $834. The per course rate for engineering is category D, or $908 per course. That's $5374/semester.

Or about $1075/course.

[–] BlackAura 2 points 2 months ago

Hard agree..... One of the most polished early access games I've played in a long time. I've started over at least 3 or 4 times now. Sometimes single player. Sometimes multi-player. Can't wait tor 1.0.

Looking forward to finally learning what the few WIP (work in progress) things will actually do....

[–] BlackAura 16 points 2 months ago (3 children)

That's right OP, the correct order is to reduce, reuse, and then recycle.

If you feel you can reduce use, or reuse any of the things listed. Please try that first!

[–] BlackAura 8 points 2 months ago (1 children)

While you're forced to use ticketmaster you can still avoid installing their app via

[–] BlackAura 6 points 3 months ago (4 children)

At best case 60 miles an hour... Your commute was more than 90 mins? Ugh. That's awful.

You weren't clear if that was round trip or not, so possibly more than 180 mins? How did you find time to sleep!?

[–] BlackAura 2 points 3 months ago

Also efficiency.

All PSUs have efficiency curves and are rated differently. You can't always trust the published numbers either.

Your 750W PSU might pull closer to 937W from the wall when you're asking it for a full load, if it's rated at 80% efficiency. Those ratings are not linear though and usually have a sweet spot around 80% of max load.

I.e. It will be most efficient at around 600W (80% of the 750W max load). At higher loads it will be even worse, possibly drawing closer to 1000W from the wall.

[–] BlackAura 5 points 4 months ago

Many years ago a friend said to me, while I was making my first WoW character for Burning Crusade, why would I want to watch a male character run around everywhere? I considered and agreed with that, and made a female character. Since then I've consistently made female characters.

They are always based on what I would consider attractive at the time. Which hasn't changed much all things considered, but there are some variations.

submitted 6 months ago by BlackAura to c/syncforlemmy

Would love to have the option to mark as read after voting.

Or maybe it's an option in the Lemmy account? Haven't found it though.

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