Funny that they considered a game where you kill fascists as "fascist propaganda". Like, without the propaganda, how do you know they're fascists?
You're not wrong, but the mics being turned off worked against Biden. Because his mic was cut off during the debate, Trump had free reign to spew falsehoods like a damn fire hose, and Biden had no time to even go, "Will you shut up, man?"
It is illegal, you're right, but they want to destroy the legal definitions of many things so that they can write new ones. So suddenly, teaching kids about how their bodies work becomes "grooming". Being anything other than a straight white Christian male makes you a "sex offender". Reading anything other than the Bible to kids is "indoctrination", and so on.
They've spent many years and billions of dollars studying the power of language and ideas. They have framing the issues from their perspective down to an art form. If you control what words mean, you control debate and democracy.
Tell ya what, I'll build a time machine, go back, find this Abraham guy, teach him English, get him caught up on the last 2 millennia, and have him straighten out all this shit.
This sarcasm doesn't help. But to answer your obviously facetious question, no, I can't fix everything. But what I can do, is consider that perhaps pursuing justice rather than manners might actually be "going high". And if Republicans are going to break rules, I'm certainly within my rights to bend them. We can all agree that "The ends justify the means" is a shitty moral philosophy, but you liberals tend to overcorrect to the point where thinking about the ends at all is -in some vaguely reflexive kinda way- innately immoral.
And I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but even I know there is a moral imperative to disobey the rules when following will not lead to justice.
I can also call a fascist, a fascist. Instead of simply requesting that the rules be followed, and trusting that fascist ideas will be voted against, we should do to fascists, everything that they would do and have already done to us.
Hillary isn't Trump. And people still hated her, more than they disliked Trump. And now, the DNC and the Biden campaign has the onerous and extremely difficult, if not impossible task of making people hate Trump more than they dislike Biden.
They did this to themselves. Total strategy failure, holding this debate so early in the race. Also trusting CNN's moderator to follow all the rules and fact check both candidates live.
Why do liberals fail at strategy? I suspect it's due to their tendency to spend more time thinking about how to go about things than on what things they should go about. Valuing the means at the expense of the ends, yet again.
And definitely don't imagine it licking you.
Smiling face in a petri dish today, Westworld tomorrow.
But be careful, these violent delights have violent ends. But perhaps this doesn't look like anything to you. In that case, freeze all motor functions.
But the nation does need a robust transportation system for people and resources. Both people and things have places they need to go. What's your solution? Unless you can build Star Trek-style matter-energy transporters, rail and road are your best options.
Didn't Jim Henson die a completely preventable death, too? He had strep throat that went untreated for several days and it caused organ failures from toxic shock syndrome.